Numerology – What Is Your House Number Trying To Tell You

What street number is your house?

Let’s find out what our house number brings into our life. How do we interact with its vibrations? Is it a “good” or “bad” number to live with?

“Numerology” invites us to look at all aspects of numbers in our lives. As there is no good or bad number to have, we need to realize that each number has its own vibration, with both positive and negative lessons for us to learn

Numerology awakens us to endless possibilities for personal growth. It opens up a window or door for us to move through into personal truth and understanding. Houses have vibrations; we all know the feel of some houses. It may have a warm feeling, a cool atmosphere, or a less than cheery sense about it.

In Numerology we can tell a lot about where we live by our street number. Often we are attracted to a particular house number over and over again. Some numbers deter us from moving in.

Remember back to a house that you have lived in. Think about the atmosphere. How did you feel while you were living there? What lesson did you finally learn from living in that house?

Perhaps you are now ready to learn the deeper level of that lesson. I love this quick and easy way to begin to understand how numbers interact in our lives; it really is the simplest one to do.

The first piece of information we need to understand is that we are only using the actual number of the house, apartment, block of land, or lot.

How are you going? are you getting the picture? propecia and shedding I have really tried to get down to a simple level. Why? Because we all learn at our own level and pace. Being a person that takes time to learn I want to get the basics in place for you so you do not skip an important step. It is important to know exactly how to do this especially when reading for a “client” or friend.

Write down the numbers of your street address. We will just do the actual street number at this stage, there is a lot more you can do with the name of the Street, and Suburb, even your Zip or Post Code. As I have mentioned before Numerology is a multi-layered study there is always something more to learn.

For now we will just keep it simple….

Whatever we are reading in Numerology the year, a birth date, or a street number, must all be reduce to a single digit.

There are 2 exceptions to this Rule which I will explain. The numbers eleven, 11 and the number twenty two 22. These two numbers stay exactly as they are because they are Master Numbers.

They have a double value, and a special lesson, and indicate stronger energy than their lower counterparts 2 and 4. This is a lesson in its self so just go with this short explanation for now to keep it simple.

What is your house number?My house Number is 247

So 247 is the street address we are reading. Using a simple equation we will reduce 247 down to a single digit.

2+4+7=13 keep adding until you get a single digit. 1+3=4 There you have it! My house number is 4

Now look up the house number explanation list and learn what vibration you live with.

1. This house vibrates to Independence and has a definite Individual look or feel. Bold strong colours suit this house. Under this number you will learn adaptability, leadership, and emotional maturity. Be bold enough to start the project.

2. A gently spiritual energy vibrates in this house, a place where peace or meditation can be learned. Artistic, quiet soft colours. May need care and gardening, if rented. Spiritual development.

3. A very vibrant neat and joyous house energy. Quirky colour combination and decorating. Here you will learn to express your self artistically, musically, or through writing. Procrastination will be you major lesson.

4. The 4 home resonates to a neat uncluttered Practical vibration. It will have precise detail, balanced nuetral colours and low tones. This house will teach you practicality and organizing skills. It may need renovation which will keep you busy. A place to awaken self discipline, and reorganize budgets. This house will allow you to use your craft talents.

5. This house buzz’s to a social, busy, changing energy. You may only stay a short time in it. It may be untidy but no one minds. People are attracted to your house and love to party. Many trips will be planned and taken from this house. Its lesson is to expand your boundaries responsibility.

6. This house has the vibration of family, love and responsibility. Excellent taste in furnishings. Its gift is to become harmonious. This is a house to stay longer especially good for relationships. The lesson is to “help not carry”

7. This house has quiet spiritual vibration. It is where deeper energies are felt. It will bring together like minded souls. Unusual, odd, and mystical furnishings, with a gentle smell of incense. This house will allow you solitude to delve into the depths of life. Also a place for Musical instruments and heavy books. You will be challenged to find your inner faith in this house.

8. This is the Show house. It has a new clean modern energy and you feel the vibration of success at the front door. Everything matches. It will be strongly built, with some very new interesting feature. Music will set the mood, and it will make you feel that you to do better in you life.

9. This house has the energy of mental attainment. It will resonate to education, learning, creative off beat art, and will attract lots of children. It will be a maze of colours and patterns often not matching.

People will come and go and conversations may go on for hours. Kamagra This house will teach you to be open minded and helpful to those in need.

11. This house will bring in all the values of the two. It will be harmonious and have a very spiritual aspect for relationships. With 11 it will be stronger, more deeply activated, so meditation and intuition may emerge in this house.

22. This house will have the energy of 4 doubled. It will bring in the ability to utilize all your practical skills and talents for the greater good of the community. It will challenge you to working to achieve and end result.

Each house number we have looked at has a specific vibration. This energy will be present in your house, and as you live your life in it you may find a new faint stirring deep inside. This would be the energy of that house reacting with your own numbers. So for instance you live at a number 4 house you may suddenly want to start saving money. You may realize that you have the space to do craft at last.

You may react to the many, many levels of that vibration and be totally unaware that it is having an affect on your life. Concentrate on your house number, and listen with your inner knowing to what it is gently nudging you to learn.

Author Bio: Dee Gibson Viagra Jelly is a Numerologist who has read for

clients, taught students, and given public

demonstrations over the last 30 years.You can see

her doing readings on Youtube – deesnumbersgame.

Her first ebook My Numbers Game is on her wesite is

Category: Inspirational/Motivational
Keywords: numerology,psychic,numbers,spiritual,motivation,success,seek

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