Contents Of A First Aid Kit And Their Uses

First aid kits are a collection of various contents used for first aid in case of an emergency. The contents of fist aid kit vary from region to region, and the purpose it is designed for. Besides the normal use, many first aid kits in these days contain the survival tools. Hence it is also known as survival kit.

First aid kits consist of emergency medicines, bandages, antiseptic lotions, bandages and topical medications like antiseptic ointments, tincture, antibacterial and antifungal creams, burn gels etc. Other than the common things listed above, there are certain contents available with some first aid kits. They are listed as follows along with their uses.

Pocket mask: Pocket mask is otherwise known as CPR mask. It is very useful for delivering rescue breaths particularly in cases of cardiac arrest. These masks have built-in oxygen intake tubes and provide 60% of oxygen to patient when somebody exhales through the one-way filter valve. These can provide sufficient air to the patient to live up even from the exhaled air of the provider.

Face shield: Face shields are designed to protect the face from chemical or environmental hazards. There are certain standards for designing these shields in various countries.

The modern and advanced first aid kits contain many other life saving tools. These include:

Ambu bag: Ambu bag is a big valve mask which is used to provide pressure ventilation in case of inadequate breathing.

Oropharyngeal airway: the oropharyngeal airway (OPA) is used for unconscious patients as these stimulate the patient’s gag reflex. It is necessary to choose the correct size of OPA against the patient’s head and then insert into the patient’s mouth upside down. It can be rotated 180 degrees after getting the contact with the back of the throat. Certain precautions should be taken while doing this. The device is removed carefully without rotating it.

Nasopharyngeal airway: Nasopharyngeal airways (NPA) can be used on conscious patients whereas the oropharyngeal airways cannot be used. Nasal trumpet is designed to insert into the nasal passageway.

Endotracheal tube: Endotracheal tube is a good substitution for BVM. This is easier and more secure to operate which does Cialis Jelly not allow any regurgitation into the lungs.

Suction Unit: Suction unit is designed for dragging phlegm. It has a cup made of generic viagra online rubber or plastic.

Tactical medical solutions increase the survivability and effectiveness of modern first aid kits. Many adventure medical kits are designed for mountaineers and expeditions. Many tactical medicines and innovative products are developed in these days by various companies to decrease mortality. These companies also train to aid the patients in emergency conditions. Certain advanced hemostatic agents like Combat Gauze are very easy to use and to remove. It is very useful in controlling hemorrhage.

Author Bio: This Author is a huge fan of First Kamagra jelly Aid Kits

Category: Health
Keywords: First Aid Kit,First Aid Kits,Adventure Medical Kits,Tactical Medical solutions,Survival kit

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