Summer Camp – A Safe Environment for Girls To Try New Activities

A summer camp for girls provides a nurturing, fun and safe environment where young women can explore new interests as well as their favorite activities. The friendships formed during the summer programs often prove surprisingly strong, as girls forge new bonds away from the school environment with its cliques and trends. Many girls can’t wait for the following summer where friends have already made plans to pick up wherever they left off the year before. These are the types of friendships that can follow young women into their adult lives. With guidance from trained instructors, girls are encouraged to try completely new activities that can open doors to future growth.

Girls’ camps generally fall into two broad categories: traditional and specialty. Specialty camps will emphasize a particular field and/or a single activity or group of activities, integrated with other more traditional pastimes.

Some specialty programs are therapeutic in nature, focusing on an issue such as weight loss or asthma management, or age appropriate exercise. Others are designed for a specific religious or spiritual affiliation, while still others focus on things like astronomy, theater, fine arts or computer programming. These programs can vary widely in terms of how many hours children spend focusing on the main theme rather than other activities, and should be carefully compared when choosing a camp.

For the young girl who does not have any interest in concentrated exposure to one area of interest, the traditional summer experience would very likely be preferable. Here she can spend more energy learning about independence, enjoying self discovery, building character, making new friends, and other activities encouraging personal growth. Most facilities offer swimming, hiking, boating, many kinds of sports, and of course, the evening bonfires, with story-telling and singing. It’s a great way for younger girls spread their wings and get more comfortable with being away from home and family for a short period of time.

When choosing a summer camp for their daughter, parents should look carefully at instructor skill levels and training, and the facility’s safety record. They should ask about the ratio of instructors to girls by age group. The size of the facility, the type and supervision of sleeping arrangements, the kinds of food offered and the number of activities the girls are expected or able to do daily will also be important considerations for parents.

Be sure to compare websites and look for testimonials from recent campers and their parents. A good camp is not just a way to spend the summer; it’s a new world of discovery.

Author Bio: Stephen Daniels is an acclaimed Netbiz SEO 2.0 researcher. He recommends Fernwood Cove, one of the top girls’summer camps in the U.S. Located in Harrison, Maine, the camp promotes participation, exploration, growth and Viagra Jelly self-discovery through outdoor activities and community building in two separate summer sessions.

Category: Recreation and Leisure
Keywords: cialis price summer camp for girls, girls camps, girls summer camps

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