Women and OUIs

Some women make the mistake of believing that being a female-especially an attractive one-will keep them from getting an OUI, operating under the influence of drugs/alcohol, in the state of Maine. While there may be that random officer who feels sorry for a woman on the border of being impaired, it is very unwise to assume that this will always be the case. The vast majority of officers are beauty-blind when it comes to criminals, and most will arrest an impaired but beautiful woman just as fast as an impaired and less attractive one.

Keep in mind that a woman’s body does not tolerate alcohol the same way as the average man. Whereas a man may be able to consume two or three drinks before becoming impaired, a woman may only handle one or two. It all depends on height, weight, age, medical history, and so on. This is not saying that some women are not different, and some may be able to deal with more or less with little visible impairment, but it is not worth the risk.

The female sex is not immune to getting an OUI charge, and neither are the penalties any less harsh even for a first offense. The courts are not biased in this regard, and acting in such a manner would only create a reason for men across the state to file lawsuits for prejudice and discrimination. The arrest, trial, and sentencing phases are virtually Brand Cialis identical for Viagra Professional women, as is the need for competent counsel from an experienced OUI attorney.

Consider the case of a Maine woman who ignored a bartender’s and an officer’s warning that she was too impaired to continue driving. She attempted to pull away and hit the officer’s car, thus proving his point. Rather than receiving a lesser or nonexistent sentence due to her femininity, she was sentenced to 3 years (and must serve a minimum of 90 days) for her crime, in addition to probation and monetary fines. She lost her driving privileges as well, just like a man convicted of a similar offense would.

Rather than run the risk of going to jail long-term, losing your right to drive, facing hefty monetary fines and mandatory alcohol-education classes, it is important to make smart decisions where alcohol is concerned. Make plans to have a sober designated driver take you home, or leave money and instructions to call you a cab at a certain hour if you are too impaired to do so. If all else fails, arrange to spend the night with a friend who has not been drinking, and ask that friend to come and get you. Never rely on beauty to get you out of trouble. Be intelligent, and let your beauty shine brighter in other arenas.

This information is provided solely for informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice.

Author Bio: William Bly of Nielsen and Bly is an OUI attorney near Augusta Maine and provides more reading about OUI related issues on the firm’s Maine location website.

Category: Legal/National, State, Local
Keywords: OUI, alcohol, drunk driving, driving undert the influence, women, Maine, attorney, lawyer

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