Women’s Hair Loss – What Really Causes It And How To Stop It

Women just like men can develop premature hair loss. Some hair loss, around 75 hairs per day, is normal but more than this can be a problem. Although some causes for baldness are similar in men and women, there are other reasons that women lose their hair that men do not have to deal with.

Hair can normally grow around half an inch No prescription cialis per month with its life cycle being 2 to 6 years. Next it goes into a rest cycle then new growth pushes the old hair out, at which point it falls out. This is the normal cycle of hair growth but sometimes either genetics or outside forces interrupts this cycle.

There are several reasons for temporary or permanent hair loss. Some are shared by both men and women, such as pattern baldness, stress, vitamin/mineral deficiency or malnutrition, but women have special issues such as hormone imbalances or chronic illnesses.

Here are a few issues women face that can cause baldness.


Most physicians and Trichologists agree that stress can be a contributing factor for female baldness. During highly stressful times, bodily chemicals such as adrenaline are released into the blood which can lead to hair loss and follicle damage. Normally this is a temporary situation and the hair regrows within a couple of months.

Hormonal Contributors

Changes in hormones within females can be a contributing factor for hair loss. The largest contributor is the male sex hormone testosterone, which is present in females as well. During a female’s lifetime, hormone levels will increase and decrease which causes an imbalance. Events such as childbirth, abortion, miscarriage or menopause can contribute to these imbalances. The body interprets these events as being similar in nature, which can cause hair thinning, or hair loss. Usually this situation is temporary and the hair will regrow once the hormone levels become stable.

Illness or Surgery

Chronic illness or major surgery can cause temporary balding. The body expenses its energy trying to heal itself leaving less energy to provide for less essential cell grow such as what is needed for the hair. This is a temporary situation and it normally regrows after a couple of months.

Chemicals or medications given for the treatment of illness such as chemotherapy, high blood pressure, depression, arthritis, surgery recovery and some forms of birth control can cause hair loss. It is normally temporary and will grow back once the medication is stopped.

There are other causes, which can be traced to genetics, malnutrition and female pattern baldness, which can be permanent. There are ways to regrow your hair or at least stop it from falling out. If you would like to know more, read on…

Author Bio: This is just a few tips to stop hair loss and help to re-grow your hair. You can learn how to use less than $15 of grocery store items to stop hair loss and re-grow hair at Hair Loss Prevention and Re-growth.

Discover how you can keep the hair you have and re-grow the hair that you have lost. Have your hair growing back thick and luxurious in no time. Information can be found at http://hairloss.kteweb.com

Category: Women’s Issues
Keywords: hair loss,hair loss tips,regrow hair,premature hair loss,regrow hair naturally,naturally hair loss

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