Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind For a More Enriching Life

Reprogramming The Subconscious Mind For A More Enriching life

How does reprogramming the subconscious mind help anyone? What’s the subconscious mind anyway? The word subconscious is used in numerous dissimilar contexts. It has no exact or clear-cut meaning. This to a great extent limits its implication as a meaning-bearing idea.

Take for example, riding a bicycle. Initially, when you first tried to ride a bike, your conscious mind is helping you try to ride the bike. You’re thinking how to balance the bike, pedal to move forward and steer to avoid hitting a tree. After a while, the thinking part of riding the bike becomes less and less. Until it reaches a point where riding a bike seems to be automatic. What happened? Through repetition, the thinking process has been replaced by a more instinctive set of actions. To put it simply, the conscious part of your mind has taught the subconscious part.

The last line is pretty important stuff. Because it tells you what your conscious mind is capable of: reprogramming the subconscious mind. For a lot of us, reprogramming the subconscious mind occurs all the time. Unfortunately, we engage ourselves in a lot of negative talk. Saying to ourselves “I can’t do that.” Or “That’s impossible” or worse “I’m not good enough”. I would think that most of this sounds familiar.

The following are some useful tips to help in reprogramming the subconscious mind.

Guard against everything that comes into the mind. Understand that all that a person can see, hear and feel is transmitted directly into the subconscious mind. A person should be able to filter and manage the information coming in his mind. Out rightly get rid of negative information and keep the positive information flowing into the mind and the subconscious. This will make your mind as you would expect become a lot more positive. Realize that this is the first step into reprogramming the subconscious mind.

Give time to yourself. Everybody needs some time to reflect. It does not matter whether the reflection includes prayer, meditation, practice of yoga, or just reading positive information. As long as a person sets personal time, the time spent on reflection helps in reprogramming the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind needs to know how important you are and nothing shows this more than giving time for yourself. Regrettably, a lot of people believe there is not enough free time in the day for themselves. Having this hour of peace is an important way to clear the mind and open oneself to the possibilities of reprogramming the subconscious mind.

Talk to yourself as you would to others, kindly. When a person talks to himself in a not so kind or very negative way, it will definitely lead to bad things only. Do not berate yourself; the first person that should be encouraging yourself is you. Look in the mirror and find good things to say. Compliment yourself on your most outstanding features and abilities. Be done with all the negative talk that you give yourself. You are a creation of God and have amazing potential that needs to be recognized. All this will help in reprogramming the subconscious mind.

Author Bio: Click Here to get your Free ‘Ultimate Success Unleashed’ Subliminal Cd and supercharge your success. Greg Frost is an authority in the subliminal industry for many years and has helped thousands of individuals worldwide to attain their dreams and goals with his subliminal messaging cds.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: reprogramming the subconscious mind,subconscious mind,mind help,conscious mind

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