Laser Teeth Whitening

Laser Teeth Whitening Technology

Although we may enjoy our favourite drinks wines and foods, the strongly coloured ones unfortunately have a tendency to discolour our teeth. The most damaging ones are drinks such as tea, coffee, red wine and cola. Regularly smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipes; teeth wearing down with age; staining from tetracycline and a few other antibiotics when used during teeth development; chipping or breaking your teeth; foods such as curries – and dental hygiene practices.

Laser Teeth Whitening is a method employed in the dental profession to whiten or clean stained or discoloured teeth. It is usually used along with various concentrated whitening gels which it activates to quickly and effectively bleach teeth white through oxidation. An easier way of putting that long technical paragraph is that Laser Teeth Whitening is a way to bleach teeth and speed up the process by means of laser light.

Laser teeth whitening is mostly carried out by dentists or dental technicians in dedicated laser whitening organisations. Frequently these organisations license the technology and methods from a particular franchise. It is also possible, however for you to purchase your own home laser whitening kits for personal use.

What advantage is there in getting laser teeth whitening?

Many people tend to link stained, blackened or unevenly coloured teeth with not being concerned with your looks, which as a business person or professional is the last thing you want to happen. Laser whitening teeth to become clear is a great means to get a positive great, bright smile.

Laser cleaning is able to give many people a psychological boost so people sometimes have their teeth done after going through a profound transformation life change including events such as a divorce, breakup or losing a partner. Other people have their teeth done in preparation for big or particular events where they will be photographed or appear in a video such as on their wedding day.

What should you anticipate afterwards?

Outcomes from laser whitening vary depending on a number of factors such as the amount of staining, the approach used, whether the staining is on the surface only or extends internally, if there is tooth decay etc. The results you get can also depend on the concentration and type of the gel and the type and power of laser lens used.

Should you have or should you avoid laser teeth whitening?

Unfortunately, laser whitening is not for you if you suffer from tooth decay, mouth or gum infection. At least, not until these are healed. As children and youths still have developing teeth, they are not usually advised to have their teeth laser whitened. A few organisations will however provide the service if an adult with supervisory control provides permission and attends.

As it is not the most comfortable procedure (though not distressing), a single session rarely lasts more than an hour. If it has been a long time since you had dental cleaning, you may nevertheless require several treatments. This is especially so if your teeth have become strongly stained with time.

What happens in Laser Teeth Whitening?

Firstly, you normally have a consultation with the technological consultant during which the procedure is explained. Based on this you are usually told what results to reasonably expect.

Your teeth are examined and the current condition of your teeth is recorded with a photograph.

Treatment starts with thorough cleaning of your teeth. Next, your mouths soft tissues are either covered with a plastic film or coated with a liquid protective gel which later becomes a solid gingival dam. This is so your gum and lips are protected from the laser light.

This is followed by the application of a whitening gel to your teeth. This gel contains substances or catalysts that become activated once exposed to laser light and then release the bleaching substances which whiten the surface of your teeth. Finally a special laser light is projected into your mouth.

The combination laser technology and bleaching gel cleans the stains on your teeth and can considerably bleach or whiten their colour.

In most cases the process is painless and no painkillers, injections or anesthetic are given. The laser teeth whitening process does not in any way damage your tooth enamel.

The process (especially if done by a adept professional) is usually painless but a few people have been known to feel heightened tooth sensitiveness during (and after) the process. If you happen to have sensitive teeth you may want to take a painkiller before the procedure takes place and possibly for a day or two later.

Laser teeth whitening sessions usually last for less than an hour. You may however need extra sessions if your teeth are heavily stained.

After the treatment is completed you can compare your teeth with their original shade.

Who should repeat their Laser Teeth Whitening?

You may require several sessions of treatment to reach the shade of whiteness you want. This is especially so if your teeth are quite heavily stained. Repeating the procedure does not damage your teeth.

Depending on your life-style you could also decide to repeat the procedure after a few months or a few years. If for example you continue smoking, your teeth will in time become stained again. To avoid this it is essential you practice good dental hygiene including regularly brushing teeth after meals and frequent teeth flossing.

How much does it cost to laser whiten your teeth?

The cost of whitening your teeth varies widely from beteween £99.00 to £699 in the UK. Costs vary depending on the facilities, which technology is used, and where the procedure is done. Sometimes you can get a discount if there is a current promotion running or for bringing a friend. In addition, you can sometimes get top-up treatments at discounted rates.

Author Bio: For more detailed information on laser whitening teeth visit

Category: Medical Business
Keywords: laser teeth whitening, laser teeth cleaning, teeth stain removal

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