Gain Muscle Fast – 3 Tips For Speedy Growth

There is actually quite a bit written about bodybuilding on the internet, it is very confusing, for example some say that you need to eat more to make gains while others say that you should ignore the eating part altogether because you don’t need to eat more.

Well you definitely need to eat more unless you happen to be twice as big as most other guys and you don’t eat much, I will try to inform you on some basics that you either do not know about or remind you about the stuff that you need to know because we all need to be reminded about the basics.

1. What You Can Conceive, You Will Achieve

You need to develop a positive mental attitude about bodybuilding, it happens to be a fact that how you think about a certain activity will affect your results when you engage in it.

Hang around with people who are positive, preferably people who already packed on some muscle, even if they have better genetics than you they will still influence you in a good way.

2. Do Some Aerobic Exercises

You need to do a few aerobic exercises, a 10 minute run on the treadmill or a 10 minute bike ride are a good idea.

I used to do intense 40 minute runs in the past but that ended up slowing down my results, aerobics can increase muscle growth if done right.

3. Add Heavier Weights Every Week

You should have progress when you work out, this is different for every person, some will be able to add 2 Kilograms a week while for another this might be too much(wussies).

Some fitness gurus advise to add 5% each week, this appears to work well, if you bench 100 lbs this week do 105 next week.

Do what works for you, experiment at first, just remember to stay safe.

4. Decrease Stress

Our Bodies Have a certain hormone called cortisol. Cortisol appears in your body when you work out on an empty stomach and when you are stressed, it will impair muscle growth and according to Wikipedia it can weaken your bones because it reduced the calcium you absorb and, over a long period of time if you’re always stressed, can cause osteoporosis(a bone disease).

I understand that it is hard to avoid stress in the modern world, but you should reduce it as much as you can because it has a significant effect on your gains, you should remain optimistic, eating right and exercising regularly will help reduce cortisol and for those of you who are more open minded, try yoga and meditation because it can really work.

5. Don’t Overtrain

Overtraining is very common, a lot of guys who suddenly stop getting results when they barely started working out a few months ago are usually overtraining.

In order to reduce this you should try to limit training to about an hour, if you do 2 hours you will definitely overtrain. Eat the right food and get enough sleep, you will not get ripped training by sleeping 4 hours a night.

You can learn more in Alex’s Hardcore Natural Bodybuilding Tips for guys blog where you will find uncensored information on exercises you should use on specific muscle groups, the mindsets you need(very important), point you out to informative resources that will benefit you. Alex will soon be putting up a surprise on his blog so keep a lookout, the blog is at Follow Alex on twitter, and feel free to ask him questions.

Author Bio: If you want to get quality articles on weight training I recommend a good article in this Weight Lifting Articles Keep a lookout on Alex’s blog, , the blog is at Hardcore Natural Bodybuilding Tips Copyright © 2010

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