How to Protect Your Online Business From the Coming Economic Collapse

Some of us have already concluded that an economic crash within the next year is an inevitable event. It isn’t so much the “doom and gloom” attitude here. It’s just that the warning signs are already there and preparedness has become a serious issue. There are basically 5 stages of events when discussing this impending economic scenario:

Stage #1 – identifying the signs of a coming economic collapse
Stage #2 – the immediate impact of the economic collapse
Stage #3 – what to expect in the next wave of after-effects once the economic collapse is in full swing
Stage #4 – how to protect your business from the economic collapse
Stage #5 – how to protect yourself financially and psychologically

Here’s a given – online businesses will have a better chance of surviving this economic collapse compared to offline ones. However, you still have to do your homework and put some safeguards in place if you are planning on maintaining your business online and enjoying that quality of life. Here are 5 steps that you should consider taking in order to ensure that your online business keeps operating while in the throes of this economic collapse.

Step #1 – Just because the economy is collapsing, it doesn’t mean that your business has to collapse with it. If an individual knows how to create alternate revenue streams, they most likely will avert succumbing to the bankruptcy and financial failure scenarios that oftentimes accompany an economic collapse.

Step #2 – The generation of revenue is usually a numbers game. If you’ve mastered the secrets involved with generating massive website traffic, you’ll continue to profit regardless of what is happening in the economic arena. A good rule of thumb is that 10% of your website traffic will purchase 10% of products that you are offering. You need to be aware of what is currently available, what sells the best, and the target demographics for your products.

Step #3 – Increasing your click-through rates should be a major priority. Be aware that there are numerous ways in which to generate higher click-through rates at your website. But the key is that you have to grab that visitor’s attention when they land on your site. Ad banners, buttons, pay-per-click applications, and/or paid e-mails are excellent ways of improving those click-through rates.

Remember one thing if you never remember anything else. If there aren’t any visitors clicking on those ad banners or links, it’s a good bet that you are losing money. Writing powerful website content is paramount if you are planning on grabbing that visitor’s attention, holding their attention, and then converting them to sales.

Step #4 – Maximizing your website traffic means maximizing your profits. If want to maximize your profits while optimizing your income, you need to have a website that interests people and compels them to visit that site. Granted, grabbing the visitor’s attention is critical, but it is even more important that you get them to click on your ads. In order to accomplish this, you need to implement a high-quality, results-oriented “call to action”. This is what compels that visitor to buy from you.

Step #5 – Create a “call to action” that gets you the results you need. Understanding that a call to action is critical is the first step here. It tells the visitor what they need to do in order to benefit from what you are offering. Here are some prime examples of a call to action that you should consider employing:

Inform the visitor that the offer is time sensitive – in the internet marketing arena these are often referred to as “OTO’s” or One-Time-Offers and they afford the visitor the opportunity to receive a discount on what you are offering, but only through this OTO.

Create a sense of urgency – let them know that they need to act on this offer NOW! Make them aware of the fact that if they pass this offer up, they will not see it again.

Include very specific directions and inform them what they need to do – place a link that will take them to your offer and inform them to “CLICK HERE!” Remember that most people need to be prodded in the right direction and won’t act unless you instruct them to specifically do so. It’s the best way of informing them of what you expect and how they can accomplish that.

Remember to alternate these offers on a regular basis and change them frequently. The best advertising you can do is that which involves continually throwing something new at the website visitor. As the old marketing adage states, “If you throw enough stuff against the wall, eventually something is going to stick.”

Author Bio: Bruno is a web entrepreneur and social media marketing consultant working for the Norwegian dog community website He also owns a lovely Pomeranian and a Mops dog.

Category: Finances
Keywords: Finance,Finances,Economy,Credit

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