How Understanding the Highest Paying AdSense Keywords Can Make You Money

If you’ve spent any time using AdSense on websites to try to make money then there’s no doubt that you know that with AdSense it’s surprisingly easy to make money, yet incredibly hard to make a substantial amount of it. Luckily there are a number of best practices to help increase your earnings. Of course positioning of the ads on a web page is critical to success, as are the colors used in the ads, but these should be a no-brainer for you by now. Instead, I want to discuss how knowing what keywords are high paying can be huge for increasing your earnings with AdSense.

First of all, it’s important to understand what makes a high paying keyword. Since Adsense is simply a channel for Google’s ad serving platform, AdWords, the keywords that end up being the highest paying are the words that AdWords advertisers have chosen to bid the highest for. For those intimately familiar with AdWords, there is a concept of Quality Score that also factors into things, but for our purposes we can safely ignore that. When advertisers are willing to bid a large amount then AdSense ads that are triggered on your site for those keywords will also tend to be the highest paying. Now this isn’t an exact science but it certainly is a tried and tested best practice for ramping up your AdSense profits.

By understanding which keywords are the highest paying you can then tailor the content on your site to better trigger ads on those higher paying keywords. For example, if you knew that the keyword ‘mountain bike’ earned on average $0.80 per click while ‘full suspension mountain bike’ earned $1.20 per click then it would be wise to create content about full suspension mountain bikes. In this content you want to make sure that you use the keyword that you’re targeting in the title and a few times in the body text as well. Also be sure to take advantage of Google AdSense’s section targeting feature to help increase the chances of the higher paying keywords triggering the AdSense ads.

As you develop this new content, you also want to be mindful of how you’re going to get people to view this new content. After all, if people don’t see the content then there’s certainly no way that they’re going to click on your AdSense ads. For this reason it’s important to know not only which keywords are the highest paying but also which keywords get searched often on search engines. The keywords that have more search traffic can potentially bring in more organic (SEO) traffic to your site which of course means more money in your pocket. Other options for driving traffic to your site can, and should, be used as well such as article writing, social bookmarking and using other websites to get your content out there for people to find.

Author Bio: Todd has compiled a countless amount of keyword data that shows the highest paying keywords in addition to the search traffic for those keywords and an attractiveness rating to make choosing the highest earning keywords easier.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: adsense,keywords,make money,make money online,highest paying keywords,google adsense,high paying

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