Your Car’s Batttery How Does it Work ?

Car and truck batteries. We rely on them to start our cars. We take automobile batteries for granted that they will tirelessly start our vehicles. Yet that one time when either we carelessly leave our head lamps on and we are stuck dumfounded. Or alternatively in the cold dead of winter our engine’s starter motor cannot turn – we then realize how dependent we are on this simple and standard automotive component. Yet few of us ever give second thought on the basics of auto batteries – that is how do they work and function.

In the sense in which it is commonly understood an automotive battery does not actually store a charge of electricity. The process is entirely one of chemical action and reaction.

A battery is neatly divvied into units called “cells”. Each cell is complete in it and is uniform with every other cell in the battery. Each and every battery cell consists of certain elements which when a current of electricity of a given value is sent through them in one direction for a certain length of time, will produce a current of electricity , in the opposite direction , if the terminals of the battery are connected to a motor , lamps or other resistance. The cell will of course, also produce a current if its terminals are simply brought together without any outside resistance. This however would not be a good thing as a dead short circuit would be created and would permit the battery to discharge itself to no good use or avail. On top of that the short circuit of the battery may well be so rapid a current as to ruin and destroy the elements of your precious automotive battery.

Hence one of the major concerns of auto owners and mechanics is to prevent against short circuits of a cars electrical system. As well when working with or attending to your auto or truck battery ensure that its terminals are not exposed where tools may accidentally drop or come into contact with these terminals. For this purpose many auto battery makers and automobile manufacturers place plastic insulating caps over the red positive terminal of their battery products.

Simply put and described. When current is being sent into the battery it is said to be “charging”. When the converse is true and current is connected to outside resistance, then the unit is said to be “discharging”

What are the parts of a battery cell and how are they composed and constructed?

The first components are what are called “the elements”. These are the positive and negative plates of the battery cell and simply correspond to the respective positive and negative terminals of the functioning battery. Simply put they are composed of lead or lead compounds

Next is what is termed “separators”. If the elements would come into contact with each other in the battery cell – a short circuit would result. Thus to all intensive purposes your battery would not function what so ever and would on top of that have a short life span. Hence insulating separators are required in auto lead battery design to insulate and separate the lead plates from each other.

Lastly to complete the cell, the grouped elements with their separators are immersed in a jar holding what is termed “electrolyte”. Battery electrolyte is solution consisting of water and sulphuric acid in certain proportions. What is most important is that the water and sulfuric acid are made and held to certain standards. It is for this reason that many mechanics will insist that for winter battery use (when the battery is most tested to hold its charge) that distilled pure water is used to top up the electrolyte level rather than standard tap water.

Most motorists and automobile owners give their battery little interest or attention. Yet they aught to as they are most dependent on the battery starting their car or trucks engine and running all the modern electrical accessories and contraptions present in our vehicles as we drive down the road or highway.

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