All About E-Cigarettes

Many people have wondered why more resources weren\’t directed towards a safer, more palatable cigarette. It wasn\’t until the latter half of 2004 that electronic cigarettes were made available to the public. But with all the advancements in technology since tobacco first started being smoked, it seems odd that an alternative method of smoking hasn\’t been produced. Apparently, a man named H. A. Gilbert sketched out a prototype in 1965, which for some reason never got off the drawing board. It took almost 40 years before Hon Lik, a Chinese pharmacist, invented and began to produce the e-cigarettes we use today.

An e-cig is a mechanism, powered by batteries, that offers a measured dose of nicotine to be inhaled by its user. E-cigarettes also attempt to emulate the flavor and general sensation of regular cigarettes. While some models are simply long tubes that look nothing like their conventional counterparts, there are also many styles that are made to physically resemble actual cigarettes.

However, the similarities end there. Electronic cigarettes employ an ingenious system to deliver the classic smoking experience. A sensor in the e-cig detects when the user begins inhaling, and small heating coils within the device (sometimes called the atomizer) automatically start vaporizing a flavored liquid that is ensconced within the mouthpiece of the e-cig. The liquid itself comes in replaceable cartridges and generally contains nicotine, though the dose can vary depending on the particular solution. (Many regular smokers start out with a higher nicotine dose and slowly decrease the amount.) Instead of tobacco, e- cig users only inhale this nicotine vapor, which is a much safer alternative to smoked tobacco products.

Regular tobacco use is associated with many health concerns, such as lung and mouth cancer, heart attacks, and emphysema. While the e-cig is still a new enough product that health tests are still ongoing, there is so far absolutely no indication that inhaling nicotine vapor has any ill effects on the human body. For this reason, e-cigarettes are a great alternative to tobacco products while still delivering the same experience. Even better, since electronic cigarettes don\’t burn tobacco, they don\’t produce that icky residue in homes and on walls, and they don\’t leave behind that stale smell on your hands or the gross taste in your mouth.

In addition, electronic cigarettes can be used as a smoking cessation aid. For legal reasons, most e-cig companies don\’t claim to be such when they market their products. Just the same, e-cigarettes provide a way to cut back on or even completely eliminate the symptoms of withdrawal for smokers who are trying to quit. It is also important to note that second-hand smoke, believed to be a valid, serious health concern, is eradicated as well. Also, in the long-run, e-cigarettes are a much cheaper alternative to the outrageous cigarette taxes levied these days.

The bottom line is that electronic cigarettes are a clean, comfortable way to enjoy the flavor and sensations of smoking without all of the negative side-effects.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: E-Cigarettes

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