Best Ab Workouts For Men

Most men want a set of six pack abs to look great for the women in their lives or just for themselves, so ab workouts for men are a great way to do this. There are several great programs out there that work well as ab workouts for men, including:


The Insanity workout lives up to its strange name and is one of the most intense ab workouts for men you may ever try. It is meant to get men stronger and get their metabolism revved up.

Men should do the program six times a week for at least two months and rest a week in-between each month. The workouts are done for 45 minutes and involve both cardio and resistance exercises.

The second month is the most intense and builds on the exercises done in the first month. It takes more than ab exercises to get that six pack ab shape, so ab workouts for men should include a variety of exercises. This is because a man’s core area has muscle tissue that connects to other muscles in the body.


So, if you want that variety than go for the P90X exercise workout. It helps men get a total body exercise routine, yet is still part of the routines that are ab workouts for men. P90X is put together in a way that doesn’t let your body get used to a certain set of exercises, so you don’t get the plateau that you can get with the same old exercise routine.

With P90X you again work out for six days each week, doing 12 different types of exercise routines for 90 days with a rest time of two weeks. Once again, it builds and gets harder each 30 days. It works your chest, back, arms, shoulders, legs and of course those all important abs. You can even add a special 15 minute workout designed especially for abs for an even better abs workout routine.

Rev Abs

This ab workouts for men is made to help you get results in 90 days. It takes at least that much time to get most results anyway because you have to burn up fat to get those abs muscles in shape. The Rev Abs workout for men has seven different workout routines. Unlike the previous workouts, it is made just for abs, but also has some resistance type training thrown in. Rev Abs claims you will lose 10 pounds in two weeks or you get your money back as well. It has things like martial arts moves, plus cardio moves.

Power 90

Power 90, another ab workouts for men, helps you work out the whole body, not just abs, but this is needed to get to that core portion of the body. It works the arms, abs, shoulders, legs and other muscle areas, plus puts in some resistance training and cardio moves. It works over a 90 day period and has four workouts with an ab routine added at the end of all of them. It guides you all the way, so you don’t have to worry about doing it wrong.

It’s considered a good ab workouts for men for anyone who is not in shape and needs something that is a challenge, but won’t hurt them too badly. It uses dumbbells and resistance bands in the workouts.

Author Bio: Hello! My name is Thomas Constantine, soon to be
24 years old and I am working on this website: it talk about ab workouts for men. I hope you will check it out.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: ab workouts for men,

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