Giving Nature A Helping Hand In Fat Burning
When your GP advises you to lose weight are you the type of patient who is looking for pill? In most cases a doctor’s prescription for weight loss is not a pill but a visit to a dietitian. This is as it should be. For many a visit to a dietitian is all just too much. The diet changes advised are just too difficult. Why, when the supermarket, drug store or health-food store have bottles of pills that claim to burn fat, lose weight and solve all weight related problems should we bother with radical changes to our diet as recommended by the dietitian? A dietitian is trying to get to the root of your problem. We need to understand why we are making changes to our diet. Some planning is necessary. Your dietitian will actually be hoping to lead you to a process of natural fat burning. Some of the issues involved are as follows.
Nine Things You Can Do To Help Natural Fat Burning.
Don’t Go Looking For A Pill or a Diet Supplement. Quite simply these pills are not the answer. If you are looking for a natural fat burning program don’t waste your money of any of these solutions. Very few actually do what they claim to do, are dangerous or have too many adverse side effects. Many are very expensive.
Cut Out Sugar. This is more difficult than you would think. Sugar is found in just about all prepared foods. Start reading food labels. Be aware of what is in the foods you are eating. Don’t forget to look at the labels of what you are drinking also. Sugar is our number one public enemy in the area of weight loss.
Don’t Turn To Diet Drinks and Artificial Sweeteners. Don’t be fooled by diet drinks and foods. Avoid all artificial sweeteners in your tea and coffee. It is slowly being realised that these artificial sweeteners are more dangerous to our health than sugar itself. These sweeteners actually clog your liver making natural fat burning just that much harder for your bodies.
Eat More Fruit and Vegetables. We have lost sight of the simple foods that were the diet of our grandparents and great-grandparents. Make every attempt to replace the prepared foods in your diet with fruit and vegetables.
Include Foods That Raise Your Metabolic Rate. A number of food items do tend to raise our metabolic rates which is the rate at which we burn energy. These include, chilli, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, green tea, parsley and peppers. This is not a full list by any means. Expand on this list and learn to include them in your menus.
Eat More Protein. Protein satisfies your hunger more than most other foods. It takes more energy to break down the food so that it can be used by the body. It also serves to increase our metabolic rates. Replacing carbohydrates with protein foods is a positive shift towards natural fat burning.
Drink More Water. Most of us do not drink enough water. If your liver and kidneys are going to function at an optimum level they need water to function properly. You will find it difficult to lose weight without keeping up your intake of water. Keep a bottle or bottles of water with you at work and at home. One of the advantages of having a bottle or bottles of water is that you will know at the end of the day how much you have drunk. For those who find it hard to keep drinking – just keep at it.
Get More Sleep. Your body to function properly needs adequate sleep – probably in the region of 7 to 8 hours per night. Natural fat burning will be impaired if your body is constantly tired. If you are involved in an exercise routine you need sleep time to recover. If you have learnt to increase your basic metabolic rate you can be burning calories while you sleep. Lack of sleep too can have a negative effect on the control of your hunger levels.
Increase Your Exercise Levels. Natural fat burning needs a healthy body. The benefits of exercise do not need to be extolled in this article, they are well known. However exercise not only leads to a healthy mind and body, it also burns calories which is what natural fat burning is all about. For those with limited time for exercise look at our Fat Burning Furnace program as described on my web site.
Author Bio: Frank Rogers writes on diet, weight loss and lifestyle. He prefers to see the positive aspects and rewards of lifestyle change and is not afraid to embrace new and radical ideas if they if they produce positive results. Two very different programs challenge much of contemporary thinking and he feels they are worth a closer evaluation. To learn more of these positive lifestyle changes visit
Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: natural fat burning, lose weight, fat burning.