What is the Cost For a Gallon of Paint?
A house can be a person\’s priced possession, and maintaining a beautiful home inside and out may require a huge slash in the budget. Painting your house is one of the major maintenance and owners often save up for this task. You can have your house repainted every 3 years, but some paints can last up to 10 years. There are a lot of factors to consider in having your house repainted. It depends on the location of your home, the condition of the weather in your area, the durability of the paint that was used and lastly the materials that was used to build the house.
Before buying a gallon of paint, know which type of paint you need. Every surface uses a different type of paint. The cost varies on the volume of paint you will be using. Paints are bought in cans, which comes in different sizes. Paints are often bought in gallons. 300 to 350 feet can be covered with a gallon of paint, but it still depends on the characteristic of the surface. A wall that\’s not been painted absorbs paint more, and it may require two coatings.
Taking a look at the range of the prices…
A gallon of paint ranges from $15-$50 depending on the type of paint that will be used. Painters have a basic computation on how to estimate the number of gallons needed for the surface that needs to be painted. Exterior paints costs a little higher than the interior paints.
If you are planning to have your home repainted it is best to ask a neighbor, who painted their house and how much do you need to save up because you are also planning to have yours repainted. But if you want to explore and your budget is running low and you want to do it yourself. You need tremendous amount of time and effort in painting. Some paints are slow drying and some needs chemical solutions before application. Be sure to ask the paint center for assistance or better yet, check out Do-it-yourself websites, for the basic steps and for the other tools needed in painting your own home.
If you plan on hiring a contractor, there are various services online that can give you quotes, or you can even consider doing the job yourself to potentially save thousands. As there are so many factors, be sure to take the numbers above with a grain of salt.
To check on prices in your area, you’re going to find that many of your bigger stores such as Home Depot are going to have the prices right online. While many of them aren’t going to have the whole inventory, you may find that you will want to check locally to see what they have in stock.
Take the numbers above as a good indicator on what you’re going to pay. You’re going to also find that if you want to get the pain professionally done, you’re going to have to pay more as well, so be sure to keep that in mind.
Author Bio: Check out the cost of paint in your area, as well as find out what other people are paying at HowMuchIsIt.
Category: Home Management
Keywords: paint, cost of paint