Partagas Cigar History

The history of Partagas Cigars dates back as early as 1845 making it one of the oldest existing brands of cigars. Originally from Spain, Jaime Partagas founded his own cigar company and factory in Havana, Cuba after many years of working in the tobacco industry. His ownership in a number of premiere plantations in Cuba enabled him access to some of the best tobacco in the region, which ultimately helped the Partagas Cigar brand grow and succeed. In addition, Jaime was also known for bringing in lectors to read and entertain his cigar rollers.

Following Jaime Partagas’s death by possible murder the factory and brand changed hands a number of times, but it was Ramon Cifuentes and his father that paved the way for what the brand is today. Success didn’t come without obstacles however. At a point when Partagas Cigars was a leader in the industry in Cuba and around the world, Ramon was required to flee the country due to Fidel Castro’s harsh control of the government. It wasn’t until seventeen years later, in the Dominican Republic that he was capable of producing his premium cigars once again. While the factory in Havana was eventually taken over by a government owned tobacco company, Ramon sold the Partagas name to the General Cigar Company in 1978, reviving the brand and jump starting a rewarding path for it in the American market. After a short period of time in Jamaica, the production process was brought to Santiago. Today, the Partagas name is still used to represent the two separate companies. The Havana factory, which is also known as the Francisco Perez German Factory, continues to be accountable for a high level of the brand’s production and is a must-see landmark for many cigar smokers annually. General Cigar set itself apart by introducing a red and gold band design, with the year “1845” replacing the original “Habana” on the packaging.

The Partagas Cigar stands out in every cigar shop for what it’s most famously known for, their exceptional wrapper leaves. Ramon Cifuentes discovered that the elite leaves were not to be found in Cuba, but in the African country of Cameroon. The sub-tropical weather offers the ultimate environment for growing amazingly rich wrapper leaves. The strong, yet not overpowering flavor of the leaves as well as the incredible character of each cigar keeps it closely rooted to its Cuban history.

Partagas Cigars offers a wide range of cigar options for many different smoking tastes. The Benji Master Series is available in one size and has a medium spicy flavor, while the Partagas Black Label is an extremely full bodied cigar available in nine various vitolas. The Partagas Classic is a medium to full strength smoke, whereas the Partagas LR Decadas 2007, Partagas LR Decadas 2008 and Partagas LR Decadas 2009 provide a smooth and medium experience with San Agustin Hon binders. The Partagas Serie S is also a medium to full strength cigar that is available in a Natural wrapper. Lastly, the Partagas Spanish Rosado sports a Connecticut Broadleaf binder and presents a medium to full strength with some added spice.

With its history as rich as its flavor, Partagas Cigars is a definite necessity in every cigar smoker’s humidor.

Author Bio: For more information on cigars, like Partagas cigars, Drew Estate cigars and cigar lighters as well as Humidors and other smoking accessories visit our online cigar shop.

Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: partagas cigars, partagas cigar reviews

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