The New Church of the Manifold Wisdom: History and Purpose

The New Church of the Manifold Wisdom is a virtual fellowship founded in 2007 by A. Escalona after being divinely ordained as a priest. The church will remain in its condition of virtual congregation-that is, without a physical place for communion-until the fulfillment of Escalona’s prophetic message: the revelation of the Antichrist, as validated by the fall of the Zondervan Publishing House. The church considers every human being to be a natural member regardless of religion or tenets. Although active membership is self-selective in accordance with full acceptance of the ten principles of the church, each individual should be capable of determining his/her qualifications to integrate our spiritual family without any requirement or formal approval from other members. The vastness of our spiritual communion is grounded in the versatility and respect for each person’s convictions. “We commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.” (2 Cor. 4:2).

Principle #1
We believe in the paradoxical nature of the Manifold Wisdom of God that exists in the relation between God’s sovereignty and men’s free will. To really understand the principle of the Manifold Wisdom of God, we should read the complete manifesto entitled “The Last Prophecy: The Antichrist and the Dramatic Fall of a Publishing Empire,” in which not only this principle, but also those mentioned below are outlined in detail, as is the complete history of the church and its founder. Generally speaking, the Manifold Wisdom of God principle is primarily based on the fact that any event or condition in life, in order to be accurately evaluated, should be observed from a dual perspective: the personal and the public, the physical and the abstract, the human and the divine. For instance, two persons might have different approaches to collecting information regarding a single event; they might even reach different or contradictory conclusions on the same subject. Yet they still both have valid interpretations.

Principle #2
We accept that our feelings and attitude toward God and life are the only aspects of our existence that we can control. This principle establishes that-despite our belief in the tangible, yet illusory, functionality of free will-we attest that God’s determinism is the vital force behind the coordination of a more centralized social engagement. We live as if we were filming scenes of a larger movie that is already in theaters, and the only way in which we can edit our performance as occasional protagonists is by maintaining a positive attitude while shooting our next scenes. The movie is already finished, although we are still executing our individual lines.

Principle #3
We recognize that the fulfillment of the Antichrist’s prophecy came to prove to believers and non-believers the perpetual accuracy of the prophetic nature of the Holy Scriptures and consequently reaffirm that Jesus is the only way to Heaven.

Principle #4
We acknowledge the salvation of every human being, even though on the Day of Judgment, all people will be held accountable for their actions-actions that will be determined by how we feel, by our attitude toward God and life, and by our faith.

Principle #5
We define faith as the ability to recognize with unyielding anticipation the divine approval of our petitions, as the clear perception of the meeting point between human understanding and God’s wisdom, between human expectations and God’s will.

Principle #6
We believe that God is the eternal, omniscient, and omnipotent reality that people commonly associate with eternal and omnipresent time.

Principle #7
We believe that everything is pure and comes from God; therefore, judgment is an act to which only He is entitled.

Principle #8
Our doctrine provides a workable means to attain happiness, defined by the practice of Spiritual Deliverance, as the most viable means to revere God, living in total submission to His will.

Principle #9
We profess the Ministry of the Reconciliation, not only recognizing that God has reconciled us to Himself by Jesus, but understanding also our mission to reconcile man to man and religion to religion.

Principle #10
We consider the Bible as the living manifestation of Jesus, as the Living Word of God.
Although, as we previously explained, a more explicit clarification of these principles can be found in the church’s manifesto, the following paragraphs focus specifically on rendering a critical evaluation of current trends aimed at conciliating theological differences within Christianity. This topic has been highly discussed in recent years, so we feel it is crucial to elucidate our position and set the basis for a better understanding of our doctrine. We also offer a categorical distinction regarding the future of all religions; to this end, we chose to elaborate upon principle #9, highlighting the ministry of reconciliation, to initiate a series of articles discussing controversial topics in today’s church.

It is understood that the ministry of reconciliation aptly delineates our reconciliation with God, thanks to the mediatory intervention of Jesus, who paid for our sins on the cross. Yet what about the reconciliation among humans, the reconciliation among Christians, and the unity of the church?

Although it is pertinent to note the sensibility of this topic among evangelical groups nowadays, it would be reasonable to analyze why the concept of one world religion-albeit increasing in popularity, even when only referring to the unity of Christian denominations-is still considered a stigma by many. We primarily adjudicate the cause of this arbitrariness in part to conspiracy theory followers’ unjustifiable association of the term one world religion with the contagious dissemination of the new world order idea. Remarkably, some conspiracy theory followers contend that the emergence of one world religion would set the conditions for the appearance of a new world order orchestrated by a power elite with a global agenda that would ultimately open the way for the establishment of the Antichrist’s reign. However, the strongest opposition to any attempt to set apart theological differences among Christian denominations undoubtedly comes from within the same evangelical movement. Recent efforts of modern ecumenical groups have found an alarming criticism emerging from conservative Christian sectors, accusing them of compromising their beliefs for the sake of popularity. Critics argue that sound doctrines, such as the inerrancy of the Scriptures, the literal, bodily resurrection of Christ, justification by faith alone, and abortion-related issues, among many other essential doctrines, are being compromised for the sake of reconciliation.

The abiding frustration of the opposing sectors will notably increase when they learn that our church not only supports the unification of Christians, but also delightfully advocates for the emergence of a Universal Church in which all religions worship the same God. As we emphatically revealed in our manifesto, the Antichrist has already infiltrated the church; destabilizing and fractioning the church is precisely what he wants. The prophet Daniel alerted us to this desire a long time ago: “Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain” (Daniel 11:39).

To deny the imminent convergence of the Christian church, its posterior universalization, and the fact that the Antichrist has already infiltrated the church means willfully ignoring the inerrancy of the Scriptures. Resenting the settlement of doctrinal differences will not change a destiny laid out by God to fulfill His final purpose in the redemption of humanity. The Antichrist will do his evil work regardless. On the other hand, despite the noble efforts of the modern ecumenical movement, it will be impossible for them to establish a consensus, as an integral part to foment the sought-after unity, because the versions of compromised doctrines are so contradictory with each other that either way one side will always be favored at the expense of the other’s sacrifice. Obviously, neither side will like to be in the losing position. Needless to say, core doctrines are the backbone of any religious denomination; when they cringe to accommodate concessions, the institutional structure as a whole weakens accordingly. This also raises important questions: If, as ecumenists propose, they need to emphasize inclusion and tolerance and focus on the great orthodox truths that all Christians share, what exactly will occur with the antagonistic doctrines? Will they abandon them? Certainly, from the ambiguity of the actual perspective, the ecumenical concept sounds merely utopian.

The only solution to preserving the spiritual integrity of any member while still consolidating a perdurable alliance rests in the universality of the Manifold Wisdom of God principle introduced by our church. This is the only principle that recognizes the genuine compatibility of conflicting elements without compromising their essential conditions or reason to exist. The New Church of the Manifold Wisdom is the solution and is available to anyone. We firmly believe that restricting believers to the particularities of doctrinal differences would bind them again under the law, which totally contradicts the true purpose of Jesus’ death and constitutes a step back in the process of human spiritual evolution, as a person under the law would no longer be under God’s grace.

“And having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven” (Col. 1:20).

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Category: Religion
Keywords: One world religion, new world order, prophecy, end times, antichrist, 2012, armagedon

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