About Pushchairs
Pushchair or a pram, stroller, child carrier as it is commonly called is a mode of transportation of infants or a child. A baby chair is usually used to push new born babies or infants around in a pusher with wheels. A push chair is for children below three years and they usually sit facing forward instead of facing the person pushing the push chair.
The first push chair was designed and created by William Kent. His design was a round shell shaped structure on wheels which were plushy decorated and pulled either by goat or a small pony to carry the Duke of Devonshire. The push chairs were first sold in USA in the year 1830 by Benjamin Potter Crandall. His son innovated on the original designs and developed new models for which he had the patent. He was responsible for introducing brakes in push chairs. He also developed pushchairs that could be folded and had fixtures for an umbrella or a parasol. Baby carriages became very popular and were bought by the English Royalty in the 19th century.
The early pushchairs were made out of wood and had brass fittings. It latter evolved into reversible stroller which was developed by William Richardson. He developed a designed, where the wheels moved on different axis unlike the earlier models which did allow the wheels to move separately. This made pushing the cart easy. Only in early 20th century the pushchairs were made affordable and were available for the common. They came with brakes, they were safer and sturdier.
It was only in 1965 that the prams were made with lighter material like aluminium. The frames were made out of aluminium and came with fitted umbrellas. This made it easier to be transported from one place to another. Pushchair is more an English term rather than an American usage. Push chair usually had the child in a sitting position facing outward away from the person pushing the cart. Pushchairs were developed to hold more than one child. They became extremely popular in 1980s. These pushchairs where collapsible thanks to the aluminium frame used by the designer Maclaren for the buggy he designed. Pushchairs for twins became very popular and only now pushchairs for more than two have been introduced in the market.
There are numerous popular companies that manufacture quality push chairs all around the world. Pushchairs have eased the stress of carrying a child while travelling and increases the scope of taking the child to varied surroundings. Browsing through the net will give lot of ideas on the different kind of pushchairs that are marketed around the world. Most sites come up with offers that slash the price to almost half its market value.
One can be sure to get great deals when they shop online. Pushchairs have made many mothers’ life easier and have made them more mobile. Though in 19th century pushchairs were available only for the royal and the rich, now it has become a must have commodity in any household. People tend to keep the same push chair for all their children as they do not wear out easily.
Author Bio: We recommend http://www.pushchairreviews.org.uk/ for exclusive reviews on Latest, Best selling Pushchairs. Check their Pushchair Buying Guide to know all information about Prams and Strollers.
Category: Family Concerns