Benefits of Eating a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables Every Day

Vegetables and fruits are as crucial a part of daily diets as cereals and grains. People often neglect these vital components of their daily food intake, leading to poorly nourished and weak bodies. It is not enough to merely eat enough; you must eat the right kind of food as well. Most dieticians recommend a minimum of five servings a day. Neglecting the greens and the berries will do damage to your body in the long run.

Source of Vitamins and Minerals
The most obvious reason for you to include a generous helping of fruits and vegetables in your diet is the natural dietary supplements that they provide. Vitamins act as bio-catalysts, helping to keep the body running. Calcium helps strengthen bones, while iron is vital for haemoglobin production (the chemical which helps the body’s red blood cells absorb oxygen). Other micronutrients like zinc and manganese also have a crucial role in our body functions. These chemical components are best absorbed in their natural form through fruits and vegetables rather than through pills.

Provides fibre
Fruits and vegetables are the primary sources of roughage in our body. The raw cellulose present in them doesn’t get digested, but helps the passage of food through the digestive and excretory systems. Insoluble fibre prevents constipation by adding bulk to the excretory mass. Soluble fibre reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and keeps blood sugar levels stable.

Improves the body’s immune system
Vitamins and minerals also keep the body’s immune system functioning. Vitamin C helps keep away the common cold and various types of flu. Vitamin A increases the activity of white blood cells (WBCs) which kill germs inside the body. Furthermore, fruits and vegetables give the body the right amount of antioxidants. These chemicals, which prevent and slow down the natural process of oxidation, prevent maladies like cancer and heart disease. Dieticians recommend eating different coloured vegetables, such as yellow and green capsicum in order to maximise the intake of antioxidants such as lycopene and carotene.

Provides Energy
Fruits are a great source of natural sugars. Fruits contain various polysaccharide (complex) sugars, which are digested into monosaccharide (simpler) forms by the body. These sugars are oxidized by the respiratory system to provide energy for the body’s activities. Natural sugars have a lower tendency to accumulate as fat as they get digested quickly, being of a simpler form than most artificial sugars. Thus, they provide quick burning energy, without contributing to weight gain.

Weight control
The basic premise of weight control is to not eat more calories than you need. The fibre in fruits and vegetables fills up the stomach without adding too many calories. You end up being full without actually having added too much fat. Also, the natural sugars satisfy your energy requirements without the side effects of fat deposition, keeping your weight low. Low energy density fruits and vegetables like tomatoes and cantaloupes do this job perfectly.

Fruits and vegetables contain water and can satisfy a large part of your daily fluid intake. It is imperative for the body to keep its fluid levels high to maintain proper blood circulation. People often complain that water doesn’t quench their thirst as it feels like the water just passes through them without being absorbed. The fluids in fruits contain electrolytes and so are absorbed directly by cells, preventing the feeling of the water “flowing right through you”.

All in all, a good mix of fruits and vegetables is necessary to remain healthy and maintain a balanced diet.

Author Bio: If you would like to sign up for a Personal Trainer in Sutherland Shire or to register for a free bootcamps consultation, visit Boot Camps Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Personal Trainer in Sutherland Shire

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