Caring For and Cleaning Your New Dentures

As with natural teeth, plaque tends to form on dentures. If plaque is not removed on a daily basis it may affect the way your dentures fit, your dentures may not look correct, you may experience profound denture odours and even your health may be at risk. Therefore, it is important that you clean your dentures every day.

Cleaning Your Dentures

1. Clean your dentures over a sink filled with water, or place a damp cloth in the basin so that if you drop your dentures they will not break against the sink basin.

2. Rinse your dentures in cold or luke warm water (never hot) to remove any loose food particles that may have become attached to your dentures.

3. Use a recommended denture cleaner or paste. Conventional toothpastes such as Colgate or MacLeans are not designed to clean your dentures. In fact, they could damage your dentures.

4. Use a moistened denture brush (not a toothbrush) to clean all the surfaces of your dentures. Be very careful not to brush too hard as this could lead to cracked or broken dentures.

5. Dentures should be soaked in a suitable denture cleanser such as Efferdent, Polident or Fittydent secure denture cleanser for a minimum of 1/2 hour. Soaking your dentures overnight is also acceptable practice.

6. It is very important that you rinse your dentures completely in fresh running water (not hot water as they may warp or damage your dentures).

7. Always use a soft bristled toothbrush to brush your remaining natural teeth, gums, tongue and palate before reinserting your dentures. This will help to remove any excess plaque from your mouth and stimulate blood circulation, helping to maintain your good oral health.

8. Rinse with a suitable mouthwash.

This routine of cleaning and caring effectively for your new dentures will become second nature to you before you know it.

It is important to remember that if you have any issues with your dentures do not try to adjust them yourself as this could damage your dentures and possibly cause harm to your mouth. Always return your dentures to a qualified denturist for adjustment.

If you want your false teeth to provide the most dramatic results and maintain long-term durability you need to invest in quality materials. These must be combined with the work of a highly skilled and experienced Clinical Dental Technician (denturist).

The Smile Centre UK is internationally renowned for the quality of its handcrafted dentures. Barrie Semp, the company\’s Clinical Dental Technician, believes in utilising the latest technology to ensure his clients receive the best quality dentures and dental implants. The centre has recently opened a new state-of-the-art cosmetic dental surgery and has noticed a sharp increase in denture fittings and denture implants.

Barrie Semp is a qualified Clinical Dental technician in the UK with over 20 years experience in the manufacture of and fitting of complete and partial dentures and denture implants. For more information about dentures in the UK, visit or call directly on 0844 3098 994.

Author Bio: Barrie Semp is a qualified Clinical Dental technician in the UK with over 20 years experience in the manufacture of and fitting of complete and partial dentures and denture implants. For more information about dentures in the UK, visit or call directly on 0844 3098 994.

Category: Advice
Keywords: Dentist, Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dentist Surgery, Cosmetics, The Smile Centre UK, Manchester

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