How to Become an Interior Designer

Interior Design seems to many to be a glamorous and fashionable career and while many successful interior designers have worked on fabulous homes, rubbed shoulders with celebrities and been invited to exclusive parties, those that have have got there through hard work, dedication and a lot of let downs.

Don\’t let that put you off though – there is a huge amount of enjoyment to be had as an interior designer, not least seeing your ideas become a reality and seeing how pleased your clients are with the work you have done. So where do you start, how do you get oon this career path and progress it? Here\’s a few things that will help you on the road.

First of all, you\’re going to need a degree in interior design, architecture or other related subject. While this is not a guaranteed requirement, the competition you will face when going for jobs will very likely have such a degree and you will only be losing if you don\’t. While studying that degree, try to get as much genuine work experience as you can, with several different interior design companies if possible. Experience is key, both in going for a job at an agency and convincing clients to give the work to you.

At the same time, familiarise yourself with as many \’tools of the trade\’ as you possibly can. Learn to sketch effectively, get a good feel for colours, patterns and designs and even learn how to use 3D CAD software and other kinds of interior design software, such as bathroom and kitchen design software. The more knowledge and experience you have when you take your first step into the interior design world, the easier you will find it to break through and be a success.

If you struggle with communication then you\’re going to struggle in interior design. You will need to explain your designs and concepts to demanding clients, you\’ll need to instruct builders and craftsmen and you\’ll need to report back to your boss or your client regularly and clearly. The best way to improve your communication is practice – don\’t shy away from any situation, jump right in, don\’t be afraid of making mistakes and when you do, learn from them. The sooner you are an effective communicator, the sooner your career in interior design will begin to grow.

Alongside communication comes organisation. Many interior designers will tell you that all their ideas and designs would never become a reality without proper organisation – of suppliers, of fellow designers, of anyone involved in a project. It is at least 50% of being an interior designer, co-ordinating and organising.

Finally, with all that said, design and inspiration are the heart and soul of a career in interior design. To be successful you have to keep challenging yourself, keep broadening your horizons, taking from other cultures and continuously evolving your own style and signature. Design doesn\’t stand still. It is constantly changing, just as trends do and your ability to keep up with – or stay ahead of – things is what will ultimately make or break you.

Author Bio: Ian Grainger is writing on behalf of Nexus Design Software, developers of 3D kitchen design software and bathroom design software.

Category: Career
Keywords: interior design, interior designer, design, careers

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