Insider Security Tips – Why Go Wireless?

Nowadays, wireless systems abound from cell phones to surveillance systems with the latter probably being the source of more questions than the latter. This is not surprising as cell phones are taken for granted because of their daily usage but wireless surveillance systems are new gadgets where the ordinary consumers are concerned.

Well, you can stop feeling dumb about the new developments in the spy game by brushing up on this basic guide. Don\’t worry about racking your brain because we shall try to steer clear of the extremely techie jargon. Instead, let\’s look at the wireless surveillance system in a simple but effective light.

How Does It Work?

Obviously, the wireless surveillance system operates without the physical wires that connect the camera to the monitor and controller. First-time users need not worry about heavy cables, tangled wires and special tools to install the system since it is an install-and-use type. If you are not a tech-geek, you will start feeling like one when the system is up and running in a few minutes.

If it has no wires to transmit the images, what are being used to do so? If you will remember your high school physics, invisible waves can transmit data from one location to the other without any material conductor between Point A and Point B.

Instead, the wireless security system uses microwaves like laser beams, radar signals and radio frequencies to transmit the images from the camera (Point A) to the receiver (Point B). The receivers can be a radio receiver, a digital video recorder, a laptop and, the newest kid on the block, a cell phone. Thus, the only material things to be handled in the system is the camera that can be placed anywhere desired and the receiver that can be carried anywhere as well.

The most popular type of wireless surveillance system involves the transmission of the images over long distances. This way, a mother can monitor the activities of her baby and the nanny from her office laptop.

How Does It Benefit Owners?

The benefits of the wireless surveillance system are numerous. In fact, between a wired and a wireless system with almost equal price points, most experts will recommend the wireless model because of its great advantage over its wired counterpart. Just to name a few of these benefits:

– Fast, easy and convenient installation since the camera can be placed anywhere and the receiver will then show the transmitted images.

– Greater flexibility can be enjoyed since the camera and the receiver can be easily transferred from one place to the next. It can then be used in various situations like catching a philandering husband or a possibly abusive nanny.

– High-definition images can be played in real-time, recorded for later use and transmitted to other medium, if desired.

However, we must emphasize that even the best wireless surveillance system will be useless if the house is not appropriately secured in the first place. Be sure to hire the services of an expert residential locksmith to install the most secure locks and deadbolts on doors, windows and other possible points of entry. You want to ensure that the burglar will not have a chance to make a starring appearance in your spy camera at home while you are away at the office – because he was unable to open the doors and windows.

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Category: Home Management
Keywords: wireless surveillance system,home security, wireless security,wireless surveillance

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