Mammography And Breat Cancer

In 2010, the U.S alone had witnessed 207,090 females and 1,970 males who were diagnosed with breast cancer. Out of which 39,840 women and 390 men died. The ratio of breast cancer in males is minor as compared to females. Most of the females suffer from Non-Invasive breast cancer, which is curable. If it remains untreated, it can turn into invasive breast cancer, which is difficult to handle.

With every disease, there are some preventive measures, so does t breast cancer. A mammogram is carried out by equipment through which special low -dose amplitude X-rays of around 0.7 mSv are emitted. This examination is done to diagnose and identify the development of breast cancer. It is traditionally carried out by characteristic masses and/or microcalcifications.

A mammogram itself does not cure the disease but it is supposed to reduce the number of deaths caused by breast cancer.

In many countries females are encouraged to have a mammography after the age of 40. A mammogram uses the dose of ionizing radiation which helps in creating the image of a lump, carcinoma, trauma or calcium in the breast. 90% of these abnormal masses are curable.

The process of finding any abnormality with a mammogram is known as a mammography.

Risks Associated With Mammography:
Identification of cancer does not ensure life: Mammograms can detect malignant tumors that cannot be felt and seen physically but it does not necessarily mean that the life of that woman is now secure. Sometimes, till the time the cancer is diagnosed, enough damage has been done to the body by the tumor. Also in some cases the multiplication of the cancer is so high that it cannot be treated.

False-Negative Results: Nearly 20% of breast cancer is missed by the mammogram. Since it is a machine, we cannot totally depend upon it. The cancer remains hidden because of the dense tissues i.e. glandular and connective tissues which overshadow the tumor cells. It is mostly observed in younger women and can lead to delayed treatment.

False Positive Results: They occur when cancer has been diagnosed in a female but in actuality the tumor does not exist. Careful testing of each abnormal mammogram should be done to avoid this risk. It is also most common in younger women with history of breast cancer, biopsies and estrogen treatments. It can lead to psychological distress in affected women.

How A Mammography Is Performed?
During the procedure, the breast is compressed with the use of the mammogram. This decreases the thickness of the breast, hence making the tissues less dense and allowing the X-rays to penetrate through them. The number of rays scattered is also reduced in this way.

The breast is then kept still and both top to bottom and angular images of the breast are then taken. Geometrically magnified images can be taken for the affected area. Talcum powder, deodorant and lotion can be misunderstood with the tumor and must be avoided on the day of examination.

What will I experience during and after the procedure?
You will feel pressure on your breast as it is squeezed by the compression paddle. Some women with sensitive breasts may experience discomfort. If this is the case, schedule the procedure when your breasts are least tender. Be sure to inform the technologist if pain occurs as compression is increased. If discomfort is significant, less compression will be used.

Is Mammography The Best Diagnostic Prevention For Breast Cancer?
The cost of mammography is low but the results of are not always satisfactory. It is 45% to 90% dependant upon the density of the breasts. Therefore other techniques are also under consideration like BT Test (Blood Pressure Screening Test), BC Test (Blood Based Test), Breast MRI and Breastlight.

Author Bio: Mr.Mammografia

Category: Medicines and Remedies

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