The Most-Recognized Home Remedies For Cold Sores

Despite the proliferation of proven prescription and over-the-counter medications available to treat those infected with oral herpes, a significant number of sufferers choose to treat their symptoms with home cold sore remedies. Whether this decision is arrived at through financial necessity (home treatment options are usually less expensive than commercial medications), personal preference, or any number of other motivating factors, the fact remains that home remedies for the common cold sore are attractive options for many Americans. The purpose of this article is to outline some of the common foundations upon which home treatments, and strategies for outbreak prevention, are commonly based.

Critical Steps to Take at the First Sign of an Outbreak

Limiting the severity of an oral herpes outbreak requires the afflicted person to take two basic steps as soon as the first cold sore blisters appear:

1. Cover the sores with petroleum jelly, and…

2. Avoid pinching, squeezing, or otherwise unnecessarily touching the sores!

Regardless of which additional home cold sore remedies you choose to apply as your breakout progresses, it is vital that you follow these two aforementioned steps. The application of petroleum jelly will protect the blisters against rupturing (thereby slowing the spread of the virus), reduce the likelihood of the sores becoming infected, and also accelerate the healing process. Avoiding unnecessary contact with the blisters also aids in achieving these goals.

Reducing the Duration of the Outbreak

Once the first cold sores have appeared, there is no way to completely stop an oral herpes outbreak. That is not to say, however, that there are no means available to shorten the oubreak\’s duration or reduce its severity. In fact, many home remedies achieve these ends through the use of four common items:

1. Cold milk

2. Ice cubes

3. Licorice

4. Zinc lozenges

Reducing the pain and discomfort caused by cold sores can be achieved through a topical application of ice or cold milk (this works best if a cotton ball is used as the applicator). These two items are also believed to be useful for triggering the healing process. Licorice and zinc lozenges, on the other hand, are thought to be effective for slowing the spread of the virus and shortening the duration of the oral herpes outbreak. These items are often included in many different home remedies.

Avoiding Future Outbreaks

Once infected with the HSV-1 virus, you will have recurring outbreaks regardless of which treatment options you pursue. The likelihood of triggering an outbreak can be reduced, however, if measures are taken to avoid those behaviors that are known to activate the virus:

1. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet light

2. Long periods of stress

3. Long periods of fatigue

One of the most-strongly established medical correlations between behavior and the onset of oral herpes outbreaks is related to direct exposure to ultraviolet light. To lessen future recurrences of cold sores, it is imperative that you use sunblock on your lips anytime that you\’re in direct sunlight, and that you also limit the amount of time you spend exposed to UV rays. As stress and fatigue are also proven triggers in herpes outbreaks, maintaining a health lifestyle with regards to diet, exercise, and sleep will also help prevent future outbreaks.

While it is true that researchers differ on their opinions of home cold sore remedies, the material discussed in this article represents the basis for any number of self treatments practiced by many Americans who suffer from oral herpes. If you decide to try any of the methods outlined in this article, keep in mind that their relative effectiveness is likely to vary from person to person. Additionally, as is always the case, it is recommended that you solicit the opinion of a trained health care professional before beginning your treatment.

Author Bio: For more information on cold sore remedies, visit Devin Brindinshire\’s site where you\’ll find answers to questions like what does herpes look like?

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: cold sores,herpes,remedies,blisters,home remedies

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