The Toothbrush: How You Are Buying it Wrong

It is so simple. It is just the humble toothbrush. And you have probably been buying one since you can remember. But guess what. When faced with questions about what to look for in a toothbrush and when it should be replaced or how it should be used correctly, most people have no clue. Sadly, most people often neglect this tiny little tool and think it will be okay just having one.

But unless you use your toothbrush properly, it is not going to work its full wonders. So if you also found yourself scratching your head at the questions mentioned above, this will definitely be helpful to you. So read on.

What toothbrush to buy?

In today’s market, you will now find toothbrushes of all sorts. They come in so many new features like flexible necks, shaped heads, and rubber handles. But what do dentists’ suggest?

What you need to look for is something with a slim head. This will allow you to reach farther and into your back teeth. As for the bristles, you want the tip to be round. This allows it to have good cleaning properties without being too abrasive. Also, you should avoid hard bristles.

Are electric toothbrushes cool?

As vain as they seem, they actually are. And they are not just cool but they are also effective. Studies actually show that these mechanical brushes are 20% to 40% more effective than the regular toothbrush. But how should you choose among the many available types?

Here is what you need to look for: an electronic brush that oscillates interchangeably from clockwise to counter-clockwise. Studies show that this kind of electronic toothbrush removes plaque better. You do not need high frequency ones that rotate very fast. It should just rotate both ways.

How about ionic toothbrushes?

Well, it does appear cool and all. Especially with the glowing, you might be attracted into getting one of these. And yes, the concept behind is astounding, but there is no proof yet that it works better.

So until concrete studies are available to either support or refute it, you might want to stay loyal to your regular toothbrush or electronic toothbrush.

How should I choose the right toothpaste?

Alright, so enough with just the toothbrush and let us now bring in the supporting starts. When buying toothpaste, you want one that is rich in fluoride. This cannot be stressed enough. The addition of fluoride is probably the best thing that happened in the history of toothpastes.

To deal with tartar, ingredients such as zinc pyrophosphate are something that should be on your list. If you have sensitive teeth, there are such formulations too. As for whitening ingredients, it is hard to say. Some studies show that some whitening ingredients used can be abrasive on the enamel.

Is flossing just vanity?

Considering that probably only 5% to 10% of the population are flossing on a regular basis, you might say that it is vanity indeed. But it is not. Did you know? With the toothbrush, you are not really cleaning your teeth thoroughly.

Dentists advice that you floss in between teeth before brushing your teeth and that this should be done at least once a day, ideally at the end of the day.

Author Bio: Discover 8 Tips things to consider when choosing Virginia Beach Dentist to avoid strain on your budget and maintain good dental care for your family. Watch this cartoon on dental care for kids to get a humorous perspective on dental care.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: dental health, va beach dentist, virginia beach dentist, family dentistry, oral health

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