Advantages and Disadvantages of Invisalign

Invisalign is a teeth aligner, transparent and detachable, that is used by both orthodontists (a dentist whose specialty is aligning teeth and jaws) and dentists. Metal braces have come to be accepted as treatment for children and it is rare to find adults wearing them. The lack of popularity for these braces amongst adults is due to the introduction of Invisalign which works the same as braces, without the obvious attention that braces attract.

Since the mid-nineteenth century, scientists have worked tirelessly to come up with a dental solution, but it is only recently that a breakthrough with Invisalign has been made due to advancement in technology, which led to a drastic improvement on the more conventional metal braces.

Cause of Dental Problems:

People may have teeth that are not aligned due to hereditary factors and it is often found that teeth alignment trouble runs in families. Others may have teeth and jaw problems due to injuries and accidents which left them with permanent damage. Tooth decay can be another reason for dental problems, as well as teeth discoloration, which can be caused by certain drinks or may also be hereditary.

Advantages of Invisalign:

Invisalign is customized to suit your mouth perfectly, thus ensuring complete comfort. Once you visit a specialist and they recommend Invisalign, images of your teeth and jaw structure are sent to a dental laboratory where they are used to make aligners that perfectly fit your mouth. You are also given projected images of how you will look once the whole procedure is finished and this can act as a great motivator to wear your Invisalign.

As mentioned earlier, the reason why Invisalign is preferred by many adults is because it is invisible. There are reports from people who wore Invisalign to their place of work, and apart from a slight change in speech the first few days, nobody noticed anything about their teeth or mouths.

Another advantage of Invisalign is that it is not fitted permanently and you can remove it if you need to, for instance when brushing teeth or eating. Compared to braces, Invisalign aligners are more often removed and adjusted as the teeth change position, and this leads to greater comfort. Each individual’s case is unique, meaning that some patients may require Invisalign for a longer period of time to get the desired result. The average period of time for wearing Invisalign is 2 to 8 weeks.

Improvement in teeth alignment can greatly improve a person’s general physical appearance, because the teeth and mouth are constantly used during social interaction as you speak or smile. This increases the confidence of the individual and so leads to greater self-esteem.

Disadvantages of Invisalign:

As with any product that offers better results than other competing products, it tends to be more expensive. Invisalign is no exception. This may put off quite a number of people who feel that they cannot afford it.

While Invisalign becomes more comfortable the longer it is worn, the early stages can be painful as the teeth are moved and repositioned. This pain may occur every time the device is adjusted by the dentist and may cause some apprehension.

The material from which Invisalign is made, polyurethane, may cause an allergic reaction in some people and a thorough medical checkup is required before the treatment can be approved. Once approved, patients themselves need to wear the device consistently, otherwise the alignment process may fail and it may have to be done again, incurring extra costs.

About the Author: Invisalign Beverly Hills refers to teeth aligners that are used for the purpose of aligning teeth and settling dental-related inconsistencies. Click here for Dentist Beverly Hills.

Dentistry is a wholesome procedure that seeks to provide a patient with better looking teeth and a perfect smile. Visit for more details.

Author Bio: About the Author: Invisalign Beverly Hills refers to teeth aligners that are used for the purpose of aligning teeth and settling dental-related inconsistencies. Click here for Dentist Beverly Hills.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Invisalign Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills Invisalign, Invisalign Los Angeles, Los Angeles Invisalign

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