Congested Skin
Many of us suffer from congested skin at various points in our lives, but there is no single cause of it. Much of it is caused by modern life, and once we learn about the array of factors that can cause it, we might heave a hopeless sigh and consider it inevitable. But take a minute and learn a little bit about it and you’ll see that there are actually measures anyone can take to keep on top of congested skin before it gets on top of you.
What is congested skin?
Congested skin is a term that some of us will not be familiar with because we’ll often call it something else, for example blackheads, whiteheads, blocked pores and a general unevenness of the surface of the skin. We might simply say we’ve got blackheads and although that might be true, they could actually be simply the most visible manifestation of a more general problem. However, many people are aware that they have general issues with their skin, from the uneven surface and tone to outbreaks of spots. Although acne and such like are distinct medical conditions, they can all play their part in the more general condition of congested skin.
What causes it?
As you might expect with such a wide category of skin conditions, there are quite a number of potential causes. Some of them come from outside the body, others come from within. But singling out the known causes is an important first step in treating congested skin.
First, there are the naturally occurring causes. Acne, blackheads, whiteheads and blocked pores all have similar origins, namely pores and follicle openings becoming clogged up. One of the chief clogging agents is dead skin, which is a perfectly natural by-product of our constantly replenishing skin cells. Beneath these blockages, bodily oils which should seep out can start to build up and become infected with bacteria, causing the colour and texture changes associated with congested skin.
Environmental factors are also hugely important. A major cause is makeup, which itself can block the pores just as easily as dead skin. Of particular concern is talc-based makeup, which accounts for a good percentage of that commercially available. Unfortunately, many people with congested skin turn to makeup to conceal it, which can keep the situation going. Talcum powder itself is also guilty. The cause we can do least about is pollution. Even the soot, dirt and smoke that are an inevitable part of urban living can cause blockages.
Preventative measures
If a cause is medical, that is, acne and its related conditions, medical help can be sought. The usual means of getting rid of blackheads can have a positive effect, and most cosmetic clinics will be able to offer advice and treatment. Avoiding talc-based makeup is one step that many of us could try, and the results could be transforming. Ask your cosmetics vendor what mineral options they have, as these sit on the surface of the skin, whereas talc-based types embed themselves more. And finally, having a healthier lifestyle and diet can have significant effects, too. At the minimum, try drinking plenty of water.
As with most cosmetic treatments, preventative measures used in conjunction will certainly help matters. The most common forms of treatment are exfoliation and microdermabrasion. Some of these can be carried out as a routine at home, but in some cases professional help might be the best way to deal with the problem. Cosmetic clinics will be used to dealing with the various congested skin types.
Congested skin might seem like something you’re stuck with, but there are plenty of ways of preventing its common causes and treating outbreaks once they occur. Hopefully you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the results of some simple steps.
Author Bio: Writing about conditions such as congested skin and other skin problems has made Debbie a respected authority. She understands the problems faced by many people and provides guidance on the range skin treatments available.
Category: Medicines and Remedies