Folding Doors: Choose Carefully Today or Regret Tomorrow
Folding doors can be made from wood (including moulded wood) steel, fibreglass or glass. There are folding doors with the average or standard size – one that is enough to provide a passage way from one room to another. There are also folding doors that can open the entire side of the room. Folding doors can also be as small closet and other storage furniture. Generally, the folding doors can be used as interior or exterior doors.
Advantages of Folding Doors
One advantage of folding doors in these areas is that they save space. They are a better choice than hinged doors and sliding doors in this sense. Hinged doors require a space when the doors are swung to open or close. The sliding doors, on the other hand, do not give a full opening because the door panels are just slid in one side. The folding doors are better than hinged doors because they do not need space in front or back when opening and give a much wider opening than sliding doors.
Materials and Finishes for Folding Doors
As mentioned, vinyl, aluminium and timber are very commonly used materials for folding doors. Timber is the most attractive for most people. Its disadvantage is the need for external maintenance. They are not ideal for outdoors because they are prone to warp and dents that can be a result of changes in humidity and temperature.
The finishes range from paint to wood veneer. There is also a wide range of designs but it is ideal to choose simple folding doors. They can come in flat and plain surfaces but they can also have Shaker-style frames. Many manufacturers have also come up with complicated designs on surfaces, frames or both.
Interior Folding Doors
You can use folding doors for bedroom closets and storage for kitchen.
External Folding Doors
The folding doors can also be used for exterior. They are a great choice for rooms that lead to the yard, patio and balcony. The folding exterior doors can be opened inward or outward. When deciding, choose depending on the amount of space you have. Which side can give room for the door panels when they are folded and gathered together?
Special Types of Folding Doors
There are also special types of folding doors including the multi-fold doors and accordion doors. The accordion doors are made up of vertical panels. They are great for space saving.
If you have a large room and want to close it or divide it, you can make use of accordion doors. You can just imagine the musical instrument accordion. In fact, the accordion doors resemble the said instrument. They are made up of several inflexible vertical panels, which are connected. They form a plated structure. Normally, they are made from vinyl material. They can be a divider that lets you it easily open and close the door whenever you want to. You just need to pull the door to get what you want. Another variety of the exterior folding doors is the concertina. There are several panels that are hinged together.
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