How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Having erectile dysfunction can be caused by physiological problems most commonly stress, poor blood supply or medications but no worries now, Valif Jelly is now available to help treat erectile dysfunction for a happier sexual life. It comes in a gel form taken orally which contains Sildenafil that mixes quickly to the blood and feels its effect after 20 minutes of consumption which made it popular to young men even if it is primarily intended for older men. Valif jelly performs its desired effect by relaxing the penis’s muscles and blocking phosphodiesterase-5, therefore allowing blood to flow in the penis for stronger and longer erection that lasts up to four hours. This drug can be taken by men with hypertension, high cholesterol or diabetes but it is still best to consult a doctor or a health professional before using the drug as you may need a lower dose. It is best to inform your doctor of your medical history and medications as this drug may have adverse effects with people who have heart problems, eye conditions, stomach ulcer and other conditions and may have a negative effect with other medications.

Valif Jelly comes in sachets which make it more convenient than tablets and a better substitute for people who do not appreciate taking pills and it comes in fruity flavors making it tastier to consume. It is good to note that grapefruit or grapefruit juice may have an effect with Valif jelly so it is advised to discuss the effects of grapefruit and grapefruit juice with your doctor, do not decrease or stop from eating grapefruit or grapefruit products without consulting first your doctor, also, when taking Valif Jelly, it is best to refrain from alcoholic drinks as it may interact with the drug and reverse its effects. This pill is also not intended to protect against sexually transmitted diseases, for your protection, you need to use condom or spermicide as your barrier method, whichever is deemed appropriate by you. This drug is taken as needed so missing a dose is not a worry, to avoid overdose which can be harmful, take only one pill a day giving it a 24-hour off between two consecutive consumptions and following the dosage exactly as your doctor has prescribed.

Men who are taking treatments for HIV such as protease inhibitors are cautioned to take extra care when using Valif jelly due to severity of side effects and are recommended to limit the use of this drug to no more than one 25 mg dose in a period of 48 hours but it is still best to seek the advice of your doctor to make sure this drug is right for you. Those who are taking alpha blocker for hypertension and other diseases are cautioned to refrain from using Valif jelly as it may cause low blood pressure, though if taken at least 4 hours apart, this does not occur, seeking your doctor’s advice before taking the pill is still highly recommended.

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Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Vailf tablets, Kamagra tablets, buy Kamagra, Kamagra gels, Kamagra jelly, valif jelly

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