The End of the World is Nigh! Chapter 2

Chapter 2

By Charles E. Rexford

Who will escape the new harsh economic realities place upon us by our leaders? If my insight is correct and if our illustrious superiors get their way, then the answer is no one will escape. In my introductory essay, I outlined the basic agenda put into place by a Royal Elitist Class (REC) who remain hidden behind our governmental leaders. If you have not done so already, please read my introductory piece at, titled Chapter 1. Since exposing the REC will take a tremendous amount of time, it is best to concentrate our efforts on the evidence trail left by these Elitists.

Just as 9/11 was the starting point for the ideological loss of constitutional freedoms and institutionalization of a police state in America, the World Banking Collapse was the first nail in the coffin for the world’s common class citizenry. The fall of Lehman Brothers Bank (along with other financial institutions) was the economic catalyst that started the dominoes falling with the ultimate goal of the total American society collapse. Now, I understand this statement on the surface appears to be exaggerative, but if one looks at the facts surrounding the banking system downfall, the causes are easily determinable.

The beginning of the end came when the “Federal Reserve”, a private organization headed by the world’s largest banks, instituted an easy money, low interest rate policy in the United States. Near the year 2000, interest rates determined by The Federal Reserve were excessively low thereby allowing easy loans via mortgage lending banks. We all remember the stories of people buying $300,000 homes in California, without even providing proof of income to the loan officer. In response, the country’s property values skyrocketed due to the exponentially increasing demand. Why were these loans made and who benefitted?

During the same period, the Big Banks created new financial products called “Credit Debt Obligations (CDO)” and “Credit Default Swaps (CDS)”. Without being longwinded, the CDO is a simple financial product that took multiple mortgages from around the country and packaged them together, where they were as a unit to someone else. The buyer would receive interest on the CDO, as long as the mortgager (the borrower) continued to pay their loan.

The key of the scheme was that the SEC (financial police) looked the other way and gave their stamp of approval to these toxic products by giving them AAA ratings. Oblivious countries, companies and governments bought these CDO’s based on the AAA rating given by the SEC, believing the CDO’s were near riskless assets. However, the Big Banks did not stop there.

The Banks created another financial product called the “Credit Default Swap”. These CDS’s are bets for or against and entity going bankrupt. If for example, I sell a CDS that says the US Government will NOT go bankrupt and someone buys it, that means I would receive a premium (certain amount of money) up front. If in fact the US Government did go bankrupt, I would lose up to 100% of the amount of the full contract.

The big banks, mainly Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan did in fact buy CDS’s from those willing to sell the new products. What the sellers did not realize was that many of these major entities held trillions of dollars of these toxic assets (CDO’s). Of course, Goldman and JP Morgan knew the extent of the worthless, toxic assets as they helped to create them. Once the original mortgagers failed to pay their loans, the CDS’s exponentially increased in value for the purchaser, while the seller lost nearly everything. Lehman Brothers, AIG, GM, and many others essentially went bankrupt overnight.

The same process was undertaken on a country scale as the Big Banks “helped” countries like Greece, Italy, Ireland and others to renegotiate their debt obligations, thus putting them off into the future. Of course, more debt was acquired by the country until such time the debt interest payments were unsustainable. Goldman Sach’s and others bought CDS’s of these debt ridden countries knowing at some point the country would need a bailout due to excessive debt obligations. The Big Banks created the problem and devised a way to profit from the problem they created – Both genius and evil.
I will let you know now that these CDO’s and CDS’s are still on the books of many of the world’s largest companies and there is no good value of what they are worth today. This fact is why the world’s banks are all “underwater” as there are not enough real assets to cover the tremendous losses if a real valuation of this toxic crap is discovered. In the US, the American people were forced by their government to “backstop” company losses – the TARP bailouts.

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At this point, it is vital to understand that big business, governments and the Royal Elitist Class (REC) work together towards one agenda. The one obstacle to this agenda is the common people or as George Orwell called them in his book 1984, the Prols or Proletariat. The masses of people called the “Profane” by the Elite are the greatest enemy to their plans. Thus, it is crucial to keep the nature of the agenda hidden.

The long-term goal of the Elite agenda is to move the world back to a state of feudalist society. The fiefdom structure allowed for absolute control over those without land e.g. the peasants. Peasants only rented the land from the Landlord, and then paid for the land usage in land taxes. Taxes were so excessive that peasants remained eternally poor, as there was never enough surplus to feed ones’ family and make any profit from leftover.

The fiefdom concept is being instituted in today’s time. The peasants – you and me- will be made to pay ever-increasing taxes to cover the “Austerity” measures that are being instituted to pay US debt obligations. In addition, the middle class must pay additional tax to cover the loss of revenue from bankrupt State and local governments, as tax receipts collapse from closing businesses and ever-increasing welfare dependence. Someone has to pay the future debt burdens and it will NOT be the excessively wealthy, or the destitute poor – it will be the middle class. Once the middle class is fully drained of actual wealth, the only two classes left will be the Elite Wealthy (the Princes and Dukes) and the poor (the peasants). The American people will once again follow the system of old, as they will be renters of land and indebted to their new Masters.

I finish these ideas with a word of caution. As the world economy continues to decline, do not believe the Mainstream Media’s attempt to skew your view concerning racial violence. Yes, the poverty across all racial lines is beginning to cause many to riot. Unfortunately, most people do not realize who created their circumstance – who is keeping them eternally poor. The answer is the Royal Elitist Class and their networks of politicians and lawyers. As proof of this fact, let us recall the “No Child Left Behind Act” instituted by then President G.W. Bush. Instead of “raising the bar” and demanding more from the teachers and students, the Act instead lowered the bar. Thereby, allowing many children to pass the grade while not being able to read or write. The children have been intentionally let down and the outcome is a steadily declining intelligence level in the United States. The United States is no longer meant to compete on a world stage, as all other countries have virtually surpassed the US in standardize education. So, do not be surprised as the country’s youth becomes destitute as there are not enough jobs and outlooks are bleak.

Each race is being lead to believe that it is another races’ fault for the country’s problems – The Mexican’s are taking all the jobs, the Black get all the handouts etc. The truth of the matter is the real color that rules the world is Gold – it used to be green (the US Dollar), but even the dollar is now under attack at this stage in the agenda. Those that have land-wealth, Gold, Silver and producing assets will end up controlling us all, if they do not already. To destroy the economy, destroy the intelligence, and destroy the hope thereby destroying the society, is the goal.

You and I are in the Cross-hairs of the Royal Elitist Class and they currently remain hidden. In the next edition, I will attempt to shed some light on the identities of these people. Research the term “Committee of 300” and you will start to see them. Till next time…

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Author Bio: I am a Free Thinker who is inspired by the likes of G.Edward Griffin, Jeff Rense, David Icke, Michael Tsarion and many others. I believe our world is being moved along a specified course. In order to avoid the end result of embodied slavery, we must awaken the sleeping giant.

Category: Politics
Keywords: Economic order, economy, new world order, unemployment, elite, dollar devaluation, NWO, austerity

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