What is Trager Massage?

Trager massage, also known as Trager work, is the type of massage that is distinguished from the actual massage therapies due to many reasons. The therapy is more focused on the client’s movement re-education as a way of treating his or her conditions and dysfunctions all over the body. The method used associates healing with both mind and body coordination. The developer of the natural treatment studied and designed the massage technique in such a way and referred to it as psychophysical integration therapy which we now use for many purposes.

The Trager massage uses passive and active movement techniques on the client in order to attain increase flexibility, movement and good posture. The treatment is the type of therapy that doesn’t focus on one specific area of the problem in order to provide solution; instead it deals with the issue on every angle.

A Trager massage session usually begins with the client asked politely to lie down on a padded massage table in his or her comfortable position. The clothing of the patient is not necessarily required to be removed due to the fact that there is no need for lubricants such as oils, lotions, and creams during the massage therapy session. The massage room is usually relaxing and comfortable in order to stimulate and soothe the mind in preparation for the actual therapy. The therapist or practitioner then begins by meditating which is known as “hook-up” in Trager work. The session usually lasts from an hour to an hour and half depending on the medical treatment needs of the patient and the prescription of the practitioner or therapist.

The actual session begins in two parts which are both in its active and passive approach for the treatment of the condition of the client undergoing the alternative and natural medical care. The parts are known as the Table Session (passive) and the Mentastics (active).

The Table Session is conducted while the client is lying relaxed and comfortably on the padded table as the practitioner gently rocks, vibrate, and shake the body in the goal of releasing tension throughout the whole body. Passive movement done slowly and gently is worked within the patient’s comfort zone during this part of the Trager work. This bodywork technique includes the light touch from the therapist which supports the movement and the stimulation of the neural circuits that are responsible for the operation of the different parts of our body. The massage technique helps in conditioning the body and mind in order for them to yield to the gentle movements to promote tension release that causes restriction and pain on the affected areas of the client’s body.

The Mentastics part is known as a mental gymnastics which is a word coined by Milton Trager himself and his wife. This part is more focused on the active movement of the patient in order to restore the optimum movement, flexibility and comfort of the treated body part. The technique involves self-care methods in providing proper exercises that can be done on your own in order to relieve stress and as a way of relaxing anywhere and anytime you want.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about performing hot stone massage and about obtaining a proper hot stone massage kit.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

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