Hotels Come in Many Colors

The human population of the planet has reached seven billion and there are obviously many needs represented in such a number of people. Some are convergent thinkers and others are divergent. There are hotels throughout the world offering a wide variety of services for diverse needs. The Internet is an excellent platform for searching the sort of hotel that suits the particular tastes of individual browsers.

Globalization is rapidly obliterating the ancient boundaries between East and West. Though intercontinental travel is now well established there are still needs for some wariness. Staying in a budget eastern hotel may land a surprised western tourist in a cupboard for the night, and a traditional Chinese hotel could have a girl arriving for a pleasant but unexpected evening massage. Eastern tourists might also have to call on their capacity for tact when confronted by some disgusting western practices.

Once gracious colonial establishments survive in parts of Africa in name only. Names like \’The Royal\’ or \’The Victoria\’ might suggest grandeur but reality could be very different. The unwary guest might not find a receptionist on duty, and if a billet is found for the night he might find himself in a grimy room between sheets that are yellow with use listening to drunken revelry lasting into the small hours.

A trend in the hospitality industry is to establish boutique hotels with few rooms but high quality facilities. They may be of a scenic nature or offer culinary excellence or interior decorations that reflect personal care and attention. Working on the assumption that \’small is beautiful and allows for individual excellence\’ boutique hotels hope to have their rooms well occupied by guests seeking something special.

Travelers in Kenya or Brazil looking for the unconventional may be able to find a tree hotel. This will offer the unique experience of staying in a forest canopy where a whole new world exists outside a window. In frozen parts of the world hotels are sometimes made of ice and are said to be quite snug.

Environmentally aware people favor straw bales as building materials because the superior insulation qualities mean more energy saving. Some are built out of straw bales, and may have thatched roofs as well. These structures made entirely and successfully out of grass will have much interest for environmentalists.

Novelty inns are sometimes developed from buildings that were intended for other purposes such as silos, bunkers or power stations. These satisfy curiosity and may be interesting to those who like to see things put to economical use. Satisfaction may be derived from finding comfort and luxury under unusual circumstances.

The Internet is an interesting platform. Browsers may wander through various sites searching for the unusual and the curious. However, once the need for adventure and excitement has been satisfied to a certain extent it can be a relief to arrive back at the normal. Hotels that can be guaranteed to supply exactly what is to be expected can have their own attractions, especially after some diversity in travel has been satisfied.


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