How To Help A Friend With Divorce In Five Easy Steps

Unfortunately, divorce seems to be more common than ever, and even if you are not married, you will eventually find yourself wondering how to help a friend with divorce. To be honest, I think I know more people who have been through a divorce than those who have not. It is common to have to watch a family member or friend go through a painfully difficult divorce.

We find ourselves wanting to help but with no clue how to help a friend with divorce. If he or she is a close friend, then it’s unavoidable. You obviously can’t help them fix what they are going through, but you can offer support that will help them through a difficult time. Here are five things that will help answer the question of how to help a friend with divorce.

1. Be a good listener: Divorce can bring about a wide range of emotions. A person will feel loneliness, sadness, and a feeling of failure. The most important step in how to help a friend with divorce is to let the person know that you are there to listen, even though you cannot offer them a solution. The grieving process involves ranting, crying and having someone to vent frustrations to.

2. Give them time: Trying to rush some by telling them to get over it or that their spouse was a jerk anyway and they are better off will just hinder the whole process. How to help a friend with divorce begins with patience. Their world probably feels like it is crashing around them, so the last thing they need is someone minimizing their plight. A person they thought they would be able to depend on for the rest of their life is suddenly gone. Telling them to just forget about it may make sense in your mind, but it isn’t easy to do. They will need time to work though things on their own and they just need support.

3. Keep them active: Knowing how to help a friend with divorce isn’t easy, but keeping them from sitting around the house grieving is a good start. Keep their mind focused on other things besides their failed marriage. Have them over for dinner or go to the movies together now and again. They may not realize it right away, but they will be thankful for the distraction you are providing.

4. Don’t nudge them towards dating: How to help a friend with divorce doesn’t mean helping them find a new relationship. They haven’t finished dealing with their marriage and a new love interest is the last thing you should be pushing them towards. They will be ready in due time, but, until then, just accept them as single.

5. Don’t forget about yourself: Being there for your friend is great, but don’t forsake your own family to do it. Your spouse and children should always come first. It is great that you have taken time to learn how to help a friend with divorce, but if you don’t worry about yourself, then you may be the next one in his or her shoes.

Going through a divorce is one of life’s most traumatic experiences. Find out more about How to Help a Friend with Divorce.

Going through a divorce is one of life’s most traumatic experiences. Find out more by going to

Author Bio: Going through a divorce is one of life’s most traumatic experiences. Find out more about How to Help a Friend with Divorce.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: how to help a friend with divorce, help a friend with divorce, help with divorce

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