Items to Add to Your Business Trip Packing List

Many business travelers have a check list to ensure they do not forget any important items at their home or office. While on the road there are many items that everyone requires like toothpaste and underwear. These items are pretty much cemented in our brains and are usually at the top of the packing list. Further down the list are all our necessary work items like cell phone, lap top, and any business paperwork or presentations that are needed for the meeting or convention that is the cause of the travel. There are however a few items that are sometimes forgotten but can be very important for creating a stress free, professional, and successful business trip. Here are a few items you may have forgotten to add to your most recent business travel packing list.

We are linked to our colleges, clients, and families through technology, because of this it is increasingly more and more important that we travel with the ability to charge our gadgets any where. Traveling with just one charger for our cell phones, laptops or other business tools can be risky. There may be times during your trip that it will be difficult to find and electric outlet. Consider investing in a charger that runs on batteries just incase you are not near an outlet for an extended period of time. Having an extra charger is a great idea incase your original one gets lost or broken. For international travel be sure you have all of the correct adapters to convert your chargers to one that will work around the globe.

When you are traveling keeping track of your travel documents is one of your most important tasks. Particularly when you are traveling internationally, you should make a copy of all of your travel documents and store them in your carry on. While it may seem repetitive to carry a copy of your passport, driver’s license or other documents, you will be very glad you did if you should happen to loose the originals during your trip. While you are making an extra copy for your travel make an additional copy to leave at home. If the worst case scenario happens and you loose everything because of a theft a friend or family member will be able to fax you a copy using the ones you left at home.

Do not just rely on technology! Write down all of the important contact numbers for you trip on a small business card and keep it in your wallet. If for some reason your cell phone is lost or even just out of battery you will still be able to contact your hotel, car service or even clients.

You are on a business trip so you will want to put your best foot forward. You may be rushing to a meeting directly from the airport or maybe you just do not want to get up early enough to iron, either way, traveling with a small bottle of wrinkle release spray.

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Author Bio: Find out more information about military accommodations at the ALU and www.1200AcquaFurnishedApartments

Category: Travel
Keywords: Travel, Business, Advice, Tips

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