Preventing Things From Falling Through The Cracks, Being Effective

We hate our self when we miss out on things.

The problem is that we can\’t be in multiple places at the same time.

We need to prioritize and and make choices. We all want to be more effective than we are.

These are well known standard techniques used by professional project managers.

But when it comes to personal projects they don\’t all apply and we need to learn about what is missing.

At work we have a boss that offers us rewards and punishment. A committee or other group oversees the value of the decisions. And our peers will motivate us working alongside to achieve the goal.

Moving forward with personal projects requires self motivation. Sometimes that is available with no effort. But there are many cases when we need to do things that we don\’t want to do. That is when outside influence is most valuable.

With a personal project, the most important element of the project is in fact the \”commitment\”. Closely related to any commitment is the visioning of the project. If the project does not have enough emotional power behind it, it will fail.

The vision has to be a reminder, a motivator. It has to be clear because when times are tough, things can\’t be seen clearly.

Clarity is the most empowering aspect of successful project management. Vagueness causes fear and hesitation. It slows one\’s reactions down.

This becomes a vicious circle. Lack of confidence prevents quick and competent \”action\” which in turn decreases confidence and which in turns slows a person down and increases the lack of confidence.

This cycle has to be broken.

One of the most powerful techniques to do that is in fact the process of professionally managing a project. Defining the goals, the scope and the task to be done in detail.

One can either research the technique and learn them or one can get a guide or coach to help.

But initially what will happen is that the projects will fail and the techniques will be abandoned.

The reason being that managing the self is very different than managing others in a business. The skill-set is not the same. In both cases the process may be call project management but the fundamentals are different.

What has to be emphasized in business is different that what needs to be emphasized on a personal level.

Most personal projects have an emotional component that business projects do not have. Questions that have to asked are:

How do I feel?

Is this frightening? Why?

Is it frustrating? Why? Who is causing the anger?

Most personal projects fail due to lack of clarity. But when clarity is achieved, they fail due to distractions. Distractions that are prevented in business projects due to the structure of a business. These protections are not available in personal projects.

Focusing … on what has been clearly defined, is the next step.

In the end, the emotional aspects, may be insurmountable when done alone. At that point we choose a coach or we abandon the goal of the project. Personal issues have a way of being hidden to our self and need an outside eye to look at them.

If we manage the personal project, in a personal way, the effectiveness it brings seem miraculous.

Emmerson Maslow has more than 20 years project management and personal growth experience. He has developed software to help with the management process. Now his emphasis has been to enable the average person to achieve these benefits with Personal Project Management. He believes that most available literature is about the process of business project management and the benefits of self discovery are lost.

Emmerson Maslow has more than 20 years project management and personal growth experience. He has developed software to help with the management process. Now his emphasis has been to enable the average person to achieve these benefits.

Author Bio: Emmerson Maslow has more than 20 years project management and personal growth experience. He has developed software to help with the management process. Now his emphasis has been to enable the average person to achieve these benefits with Personal Project Management. He believes that most available literature is about the process of business project management and the benefits of self discovery are lost.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: personal growth, self discovery, project management, self exploration,hope, happiness, inspiration

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