Reading to Your Kids is More Beneficial Than You Know
Kids these days! Just about all of them love watching television, certainly nothing new, playing video games which has also been around for a few generations and listening to music. Okay, so they are not all that different from us but it should be noted that kids who grew up sneaking books under the covers to be read by cordless picture lights are at an advantage over those whose cordless picture light stayed fastened to the wall. Reading is an enjoyable pastime that has many more benefits that simply watching television. Because most parents would like to see kids reading more than they do on their own, they should take an active part in this part of their children’s lives. Cracking open a book a few times a week gives parents an opportunity to bond with their kids as well as help them to learn to love reading.
Sit down and read to your children as often as they will let you or as often as time allows. Through the simple act of reading to them aloud, you will show them how wonderful books are and they will learn to appreciate their own language in a new way. Aside from these wonderful benefits, you will be teaching your kids that learning can be fun, and you will open new doors that will benefit them greatly later in life. Reading to your kids will help their imaginations begin to kick in at an early age, allowing them to explore different cultures and new characters, the likes of which they may never meet otherwise.
There is no question about it; parents who read to their children are helping them reach higher rates of literacy. In fact, it has been proven that parents who read to their kids are teaching them something very valuable. Parents who do not enjoy reading very much will still enjoy spending time with their children, and should be thrilled to know that they are giving their kids an extremely important education.
Because reading to kids on a regular basis has been proven to positively affect child literacy rates, government authorities highly recommend giving children this experience. Without being exposed to books at an early age, kids will not get the opportunity to revel in the written version of the language. It is during this early stage that children get an opportunity to make a connection between the language as it is spoken and as it is written. Although this may not seem like such a big deal, reading is a very important part of mastering any language.
Kids today may not be much different than we were except for the fact that technology has advanced quite a bit since our day, they are not reading as much as they should be. Reaching out to kids early on will help them develop a keen sense of pleasure derived from reading. This is important, as most parents do not want to see their 10-year-old watching television on the sofa all day and not doing much else. Reading opens doors that kids may never get in otherwise.
Ellie Lewis is an entrepreneur who runs a large group of websites that specialize in high end items such as cordless picture lights. She offers a large selection of art lighting which includes a cordless picture light.
For more information on cordless picture lights go to .
Author Bio: Ellie Lewis is an entrepreneur who runs a large group of websites that specialize in high end items such as cordless picture lights. She offers a large selection of art lighting which includes a cordless picture light.
Category: Business
Keywords: cordless picture lights,cordless picture light