Addressing Common Concerns About Breast Implants

Most women have specific concerns regarding breast implants, from the appearance and feel of augmented breasts to whether breastfeeding is possible with implants in place. A plastic surgeon can help answer these questions and explain how the type, size, and texture of implants you choose, along with the type of incision and implant placement used are all factors that contribute to the overall results. When speaking with a plastic surgeon, it helps to know the common areas of concerns regarding augmentation. These include:

Look & Feel

While finding the right plastic surgeon is the first step toward achieving your desired appearance, the type of breast implants you choose can also affect the outcome. Both saline and silicone implants are soft but silicone implants typically provide the most natural-looking and -feeling breasts. When held in the hand, saline implants tend to collapse at the edges, making them more palpable and less natural feeling when placed in the breast pocket. The newer cohesive gel silicone implants don’t have this flaw, and also provide more natural-looking contours, as the implants can more effectively assume the shape of breast tissue.

Additionally, the implant surface coating (smooth vs. textured) can have an effect on the look and feel of augmented breasts. Textured implants are typically used to prevent rotation within the breast pocket. The thicker, textured shell can make implants more noticeable. Round implants come in both textured and smooth surfaces, but a smooth coating allows the implants to rotate freely within the breast pocket, a feature that many surgeons believe provides a more natural feel to the breasts. Though teardrop shaped implants mimic the actual contours of a breast, they are only rarely used for breast reconstruction procedures, not augmentations.


Another concern involving breast implants is how long they will last. Reports of implant rupture, deflation, and leakage were prominent in the 1970s and 1980s, as saline and the original silicone implants were more susceptible to these issues. After many years of research, the FDA conditionally approved new cohesive silicone gel implants for use in 2006. These implants are filled with an improved silicone compound with interlocking molecules, which makes for a thicker, less viscous consistency than that of the filler used in older silicone implants. As a result, these implants are more form-stable than saline or the older silicone implants, which means they’ll hold their shape and the gel filler won’t leak into the body if a rupture occurs. Furthermore, the design and manufacturing of the outer shell has improved over the years, resulting in far fewer failures and a longer lifespan than saline implants. Nevertheless, implants may need to be replaced every 10 years or so to maintain the original results.

Interference with Mammograms

A common question about implants is whether they will obstruct a mammogram image, which is a type of X-ray used to examine breast tissues for evidence of calcifications and/or cancerous masses. While implants can obscure some breast tissue, there is no indication that implants prevent the detection of cancer. However, mammograms must be performed differently on breasts with implants (additional X-rays are necessary and the technique is different) so a woman should tell a mammography facility about her implants when scheduling an appointment. Additionally, women should seek out facilities where technicians and radiologists have experience performing and reading the mammograms of augmented breasts.


Perhaps one of the biggest concerns for women of childbearing age is whether breastfeeding is still possible with augmented breasts. Typically, the ability to breastfeed will depend on the type of incision used during an augmentation procedure. Inframammary fold and trans-axillary incisions usually won’t interfere with milk production, but a periareolar incision is associated with a slightly higher risk for interference.

Work with Your Surgeon

Address your concerns about breast implant surgery with your surgeon. He or she can help you choose the implant type, size, and placement method that best suits your needs and desired outcome.

Katie Perry is an online content editor in the Tampa Bay area. She posts articles about plastic surgery topics and procedures including breast augmentation, breast implants, and more.

Katie Perry is an online content editor in the Tampa Bay area. She posts articles about plastic surgery topics and procedures including breast augmentation, breast implants, and more.

Author Bio: Katie Perry is an online content editor in the Tampa Bay area. She posts articles about plastic surgery topics and procedures including breast augmentation, breast implants, and more.

Category: Medical Business

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