First Aid Kit Every Cat Owner Should Have

Accidents and natural disasters are inevitable. As a cat owner, you feel responsible for the safety of your little feline friend. Just the way you need clothing, food and shelter, cats need them too. However, giving your cat its basic needs is quite not enough. You have to set something aside, for a possible future emergency- a first aid kit.

It’s better to be safe than sorry. Having a first aid kit for your cat is pretty much like getting an insurance policy for him/her. On the other hand, a first aid cannot cost much. But, it is surely to be important. Therefore, it is worth having one.

Here is a reasons why you need to own a first aid kit for your cat. Also take note of the essentials that goes with it. Do you travel a lot with your furry friend? Whether it is by land, sea or air; be sure to bring your cat carrier. In you case you have more than cat, make sure you bring with you their cat beds.

Ideally, each cat should have its own cat carrier and bed. Take note of the sizes of cat carriers and cat beds you are planning to purchase. Choose the size that is not too small or large for your pet. Second, they should have proper ventilation. Third, they should be sturdy enough to secure your pets when traveling.

Like cat carriers and cat beds, you can’t afford not provide your cat a first aid kit. The things to include in the first aid kit may vary from one owner to another. First aid kit is pretty much like a vanity collection. Other people may not own the item that you already have. Nonetheless, here’s a list of the things you are likely to include in the kit.

1. Antiseptic cleanser

2. Emergency ice pack

3. Clean Tweezers

4. Sterile gauze pads

5. Sterile gauze rollers

6. Cotton balls

7. Cotton pads

8. Rectal thermometer (preferably the digital model)

9. Surgical scissors

10. Hydrogen peroxide

11. Hydro-cortisone ointment

12. Eye droppers

13. Clean bandage

14. Eyewash solution

15. Surgical tape

Aside from those essentials mentioned earlier, here are some add-ons you might want to include:

*Zip-lock bags- These bags are useful to avoid liquids from spilling.

*Emergency numbers- This includes owner’s number (yours) and vet’s number. *Write this on a quarter paper and secure it on a waterproof packet.

*Food supply- Prepare a vacuum packed cat food. Check on its expiration details. Note that the food supply should have at least 5 years shelf life.

*Poop bags- You surely need these bags when traveling, if you don’t want to annoy others.

*Leads and toys- Include these items if you still have so much space in your kit. These items will save your pet from boring sessions.

*Water- Water is needed to keep your cat from dehydration during calamities when water is not accessible.

*Mild soap- This is needed to wash the wound.

With first aid kit, your pet cat is more secured. However, note that first aid kit is not a substitute for a veterinarian visit. It is only needed to give care prior to regular medication. For serious cases, visit the veterinarian. Lastly, keep an eye on items’ expiration dates.

Ella Jasmine Hall enjoys writing for which sells cat carrier and cat bed as well as a host of additional products.

Ella Jasmine Hall enjoys writing for which sells cat carrier and cat bed as well as a host of additional products.

Author Bio: Ella Jasmine Hall enjoys writing for which sells cat carrier and cat bed as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Pets
Keywords: first aid kit,cat owner,cat beds,cats need,cat food supply

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