The Characteristics of a Good Domain Name

A domain name or URL is a unique ID that represents the address to your website. Therefore, one can say rightly that the selection of such names can be a very crucial aspect especially when you are planning to launch a business website. When it comes to selecting a domain name there are numerous aspects that have to be taken into consideration. Initially, it is necessary that you come up with more than one name in mind. It is advised so because of the fact that millions of domain names are already being used by as many websites as you see on web, therefore, it is not necessary that a single name that you come up with will be readily available.

When choosing the domain name for your business, you need to be aware of the important characteristics which such a name should come with.

Proximity to the business name

When selecting a domain name your primary focus should be to make sure that the domain has a close proximity with the name of your business. This is something considered very important by the search engines. For instance, when someone logs into your website, it is not necessary that they will memorize the domain name after the logging off. The visitors can most probably remember the name of your business but not the domain name. The representation of the site name with www and .com, .co extensions always make it look complex and visitors never bother to memorize it. Therefore, if the domain name that you select is similar to your business name then you could easily get more returning visitors.

Content proximity

The next thing that you have to concentrate upon is whether the domain name that you have selected matches the contents of the website. For instance, if you are planning to air a website that is related to providing dentistry services and you register the domain name for it, then you can be sure that the search engines will the rank the website highly. It is because of the fact that all the pages in such a website will be coming with something related to dentistry which is what the selected site name is.

Simple and catchy

One of the other characteristics of a good domain name is that it will always be simple and catchy. This is to ensure that the visitors to your website can memorize the name without taking much effort. Simplicity associated with the name is inevitable. It is said so because of the fact that if you have a name that is short but spelled weirdly then you always risk losing potential clients to competitors.

Hyphens and numbers

One of the other qualities of a good domain name is that it does not come with any hyphens or numbers. You could see people trying to incorporate numbers or punctuation within their desired website names just to make them unique. Well, such people are not aware of the fact that names with numbers and hyphens are poorly ranked by the search engines.

Lyuben loves to share tips about getting the best domain name or bedste dom

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