How to Update Your Resume

Developing a resume is generally a task associated with people who are just entering into the job market, but everyone in the workforce should keep an updated resume handy in the case of unemployment or if greener pastures come available. Many employees forget or put off updating their resumes because they have been with the same company for years, but they can still stand to add a few lines here and there. If you think that you’re out of the swing of things, here are a few guidelines to make updating your resume a little easier.

Update the Document Regularly

Many people don’t glance at their resumes until they’re preparing to move on to a new job. Instead of letting the document rot somewhere in your computer’s hard drive, be sure to dust it off every so often for an update. If you’ve recently had a promotion, reflect on the responsibilities of your previous position and include them in your resume. One of the ways to keep your resume current is to set aside time for a yearly inspection. Perhaps the best time to do so might be following your annual review because the timing is easy to remember, and any achievements you’ve made over the past year should be fresh on your mind.

Take It a Little at a Time

Making drastic changes to your resume can be quite a pain in the neck, so commit yourself to making small updates, then reviewing them. Not only will this approach seem much less daunting to you, but it will also give you more time to carefully consider your wording. You can also benefit from seeing your resume repeatedly, which increases the chances of you spotting any job opportunity-killing typos.

Remember the Extras

When you sit down to make your annual resume changes, perhaps you’ll find that you haven’t changed positions or received a promotion over the past year. Even if you haven’t experienced any dramatic changes in your career, you might still have something to add to your resume for the past 12 months. Maybe you have attended skill-building workshops or received additional training. Perhaps you have shouldered new job opportunities over the past year. If so, be sure to note these changes in your resume.

Trim the Fat

If you haven’t looked at your resume for a while, odds are that it includes a job from years back that is completely unrelated to your current career track. If you find such an extraneous position listed, be sure to eliminate it from the document. If you’re having trouble deleting that part of your work history from your resume, remember that it’s taking up precious space where you could provide a potential employer with further details about your more recent work responsibilities.

Let Others Give It a Look

Any time you make a change to your resume, you should have several other people look it over for you to provide you with feedback. In addition to pointing out any typos they see, be sure to ask your reviewers to tell you about any ambiguous or misleading phrases they encounter. If the people giving your resume a read-through are very familiar with your work history, they might even be able to suggest additional job responsibilities and other points you may have forgotten to mention.

John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to employment.

John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to employment.,21_IL.22,29_IC1140171.htm

Author Bio: John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to employment.

Category: Career
Keywords: business, employment, resume

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