The Art of Negotiations at London Pawn Shops

Things to Know Before Going Into a Pawnbrokers

Before you go into a pawnbroker you need to know certain facts. By knowing these facts before you enter the pawnbrokers’ you will be able make informed decisions. You will also be prepared when the broker talks to you and you will get the best deal that you can. There are 6 common facts that you need to know before you enter the store.

What Pawn brokers Do

The first fact that you need to know is what the broker actually does. The basis of pawnbrokers is to offer a loan based on a valuable item which is offered as collateral. By understanding what the broker does you will know what they can offer you and what they cannot.

How the Loan Works

Knowing that a pawn broker can offer you a loan and knowing how it works are very different things. It is important that you understand exactly how the loan is going to work in detail. The pawn broker’s loan will have them holding your valuable item for a set amount of time or until you are able to repay the loan. Once you have repaid the loan you will be able to get the item back.

Negotiating and getting the best deal from the pawn brokers

This is indeed a tough job. Here are some tips that will help you to get rates for your pawned items at London pawn shops and pawn shops all around the world.

Find the actual worth of your item

Once you get an idea about the item that you want to pawn, try and find its current worth. Go to the item’s official website and find the price of a new one. Then, depending upon how old your item is, depreciate some money from that price tag.

Items that are in demand will have better price tags. Collectibles, Mint Condition items and memorabilia are some items that can be pawned for a really good price tag. So, if you own such an item, you’ll naturally have more negotiating power with the pawn brokers.


It is very important to understand that everything in a pawn shop is negotiable. Let us assume that you are going to London Pawn shops. In there, the broker might quote one price tag and you might have another price in mind. Even if the difference between the two quotes is too large, don’t give up hope. Haggle and try to negotiate the price that you want for your product.

If you want to buy, pay with cash

Some people often forget the fact that you can buy cool stuff from the pawn shops. If the buyer has defaulted on his pawned item, then the broker gets to sell that item. So, people who are looking to buy random stuff often end up going to pawn shops to look what is on display.

Now, if you find something that you would like to buy on a pawn shop, always suggest that you’ll pay by cash. People who pay by cash are always preferred at the pawn shops.

And, paying by cash will give you more negotiating powers. You can demand discounts by suggesting that you’ll be paying cash.

Wear a smile

This is just common sense practice. If you are nice, you’ll get good price for the item you are pawning and you’ll get items at a good deal price if you are buying.

So, smile, be respectful and treat the pawn shop staff with manners to get the best deals. While on the other hand, if you don’t show respect, the brokers won’t find you easy to work with and they’ll not consider your requests.

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Category: Finances
Keywords: pawn brokers, London Pawn shops

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