Why Should I be Considering Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty?

As you lose a significant amount of fats it is also a given that this results to excess and saggy skin. That is why some are still hesitant to wear bikinis or go shirtless at the beach. In order to correct this problem by trimming the extra skin and some of the stubborn fats, some individuals resort to tummy tuck surgery.

Questions concerning the effectiveness of the surgery, how it goes about, its advantages and disadvantages are just some of the things that have to be thought through carefully. This is necessary to maintain your safety before undergoing this highly invasive procedure.

What is tummy tuck surgery?

Medically, a tummy tuck is also known as an abdominoplasty. This is particularly done to trim the flabs in the abdominal area, and turn the folds of fats into a trimmed and flatter tummy. To achieve this, the excess fats along with the saggy skin are removed, and the stomach tightened by suturing the separated abdominal muscle underneath.

This procedure is done with the surgeon creating an incision just below the navel which runs from each hip bone. After the fats are removed and the muscles tightened with sutures, the surgeon then stretches the skin to appropriately fit the trimmed abdomen.

Since the belly button will be displaced after the skin stretching, the surgeon would have to make another one, keeping in mind that this will look natural in the end. The surgeon also makes the sutures clean and low enough so that they will not be visible when wearing bikinis.

Who are the right tummy tuck candidates?

Individuals who usually request for this procedure are those moms who are in good health and in need of some abdominal trimming. Those women who have gone through a number of pregnancies and significant skin stretching can also benefit from a tummy tuck.

For mothers who are still in their child bearing age, and are planning to get pregnant in the future would be advised to put off this off until they have their last baby. Although there is no problem if in the event that they do get pregnant again, because corrective measures can be done. But numerous tummy tuck repair would no longer be good for the skin and the muscles in the long run.

What is the difference between mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck?

To attain that trimmed abdomen, there are two tummy tuck techniques that can be used; this is the mini and full abdominoplasty. The two varies in relation to the extent of work that has to be done, the area to be managed, and the type of patients it will be appropriately used on.

For patient with problems concerning particularly on the area just below the navel, a mini tummy tuck will be appropriate. It also includes the removal of the excess skin, and the incisions created will significantly be smaller. It will only run the entire length of the pubic mound.

When a patient have a significantly large abdomen and the skin has been markedly stretched, a fully tummy tuck will be most appropriate. But not everyone with large amounts of belly fats is safe to undergo this procedure despite the dire need for it. The patient must be within 30% of his or her ideal body weight to be cleared by the surgeon. And he/she should be within 10% to receive a go signal for a mini tummy tuck.

Can a tummy tuck help me lose weight?

Abdominoplasty is not done as a means to reduce the weight, although it is clear that it is able to do that. If a person is morbidly obese or just simply overweight, he or she is highly likely to experience complications. Although in general, it is reported that there are few untoward reactions after a tummy tuck procedure.

How long is the recovery period?

The quality and length of the healing process is directly affected by the health of the patient. But the advantage here is that after one or two weeks, the patient will be able to do activities, given that they are not that stressful. Swelling will be totally relieved after a few months, while bruising dissipates in a matter of weeks.

There is no question that a good tummy tuck can trim or flatten the abdomen, but to ensure that the results are maintained, the patient is required to commit to a strict and healthy diet coupled with regular exercise. Without the discipline to make these lifestyle modifications there is a good chance that they will revert back to their previous figure.

When all you need is some sculpting and trimming, a tummy tuck will most definitely provide the results that you need. However it is necessary that you trust a reputable, competent and skilled surgeon who have extensive training in performing this particular procedure. With that is ensured, you are well on your way for surgical success.

For safe and successful tummy tuck surgery in Brisbane, Sydney and Canberra, Esteem Cosmetic Studio is the right place for you. With their team of highly trained and experienced surgeons, they can ensure that you are in good hands. Click here to avail affordable weekly payment plan for abdominoplasty.

For safe and successful tummy tuck surgery in Brisbane, Sydney and Canberra, Esteem Cosmetic Studio is the right place for you. With their team of highly trained and experienced surgeons, they can ensure that you are in good hands. (http://www.esteemstudio.com.au/t9tummytuck.php)

Author Bio: For safe and successful tummy tuck surgery in Brisbane, Sydney and Canberra, Esteem Cosmetic Studio is the right place for you. With their team of highly trained and experienced surgeons, they can ensure that you are in good hands. Click here to avail affordable weekly payment plan for abdominoplasty.

Category: Medical Business
Keywords: tummy tuck,abdominoplasty surgery,cosmetic surgery tips,mini tummy tuck surgery.

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