Tips For Starting an Exercise Regimen

Modern life has taken a turn toward the sedentary, with much of the workforce moving from more physically demanding careers in sectors such as agriculture and manufacturing toward office-based work that often leaves employees planted in front of a screen all day. If you find the most physically strenuous portion of your day to be the walk from your car to your cubicle, it might be time to implement a plan for getting more active. If you’re ready to get started, keep reading for helpful tips to get you out of your chair and keep you on track.

Get a Baseline

You’re probably not completely in the dark about your fitness level, but when was the last time you really evaluated it? Before you start on any kind of program, you need to test yourself to see where you stand on varying criteria, both to see where you stand and to give yourself a base measurement to use. For example, you might record your waist measurement, your resting pulse, and other bits of information to give yourself a jumping-off point.

Think Up a Plan

You shouldn’t rush headlong into your fitness routine. Instead, take the time to think about what your short-term and long-term goals are and how you can work to achieve them. Many people are looking to drop some weight, whereas others are more concerned with building up strength, and still others are more event-oriented and focused on training for a race. No matter what goal you have in mind, you need to create a roadmap can make establishing your routine easier. If you’re unsure about how to achieve your particular goal, you can speak with a personal trainer to discuss a fitness plan that suits you. You may also want to have a conversation with your doctor before you begin your new routine, especially if you have an injury or condition that might affect your exercise plans.

Take Necessary Preparations

Be sure that you have the proper attire and equipment on hand before you start on your routine. One of the most important pieces of equipment in virtually any regimen is the shoes you’ll wear as you exercise. Although there are many styles of shoe on the market that are specifically designed for certain activities, any shoe you select should provide support for the arches of your feet. If you know that your feet tend to roll outwards (a condition known as underpronation) or inwards (also known as overpronation) when walking or running, you may want to invest in shoes or gel insoles designed to compensate.

Start Off Slow

Ease yourself into exercising, no matter what your activity of choice is. You may find that you can push yourself further than you expected, but you should be careful not to overdo it. One of the top reasons people fall off the wagon when it comes to working out is getting an overzealous start, where they push themselves too hard and suffer injuries right off the bat. Taking a few unexpected days off from working out can make it more difficult to restart your newly planned routine, so do your best to abide by that old adage, “Slow and steady wins the race.”

Be Flexible

Before you ever start your regimen, you need to accept that you won’t be able to follow your plan every single day because life will intervene. You might feel under the weather, push yourself too hard, or need to attend a function with the kids, but you’ll miss a day of exercising here and there. What’s important is to not get discouraged or regard these days as failures; simply resolve to pick right back up the next day and continue on.

Also remember that you can always substitute other activities for your regularly scheduled gym routine or jog. So, if you can’t hit the treadmill one day, maybe you can do some work around the house, take the stairs at work, or park at the end of the parking lot when you shop for groceries.

For more information about becoming more active, speak with your doctor.

John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to wellness.

John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to wellness.

Author Bio: John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to wellness.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: exercise, fitness, wellness, exercise routine

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