How to Release the Body’s Collected Memories of Pain

A while ago I accompanied a dear friend to the doctor to lend support while she had an invasive diagnostic procedure. She was very anxious. I was allowed to be in the room with her while she waited for the doctor, and I did a gentle relaxation exercise with her. Then I asked her to use EFT to allay her anxiety. The doctor allowed me to remain during the procedure and praised her for going through it well even though it was painful. She was quite proud of herself.

Afterwards she was fine, but was ordered to rest at home. A few hours later I looked in on her and found that she was pretty wiped out but feeling OK. As we talked I reminded her that the brain retains the memories of scary and uncomfortable moments we experience as we go through life. Therefore, what occurs in our present life often triggers the body to relive the past too. I have known my friend for many years and have seen her through a number of medical emergencies, surgeries, biopsies, and painful illnesses. It dawned on me that her exhaustion might be a result of her body’s collective memories of all the punishment it had tolerated over the years.

I suggested that she use EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and say, “Even though my body has endured many painful, frightening, invasive traumas, I survived and deserve to heal.” I encouraged her to continue tapping, “Even though all the procedures were done with good intent to heal me and keep me well, I am now releasing all the times and all the ways my body has been traumatized.” She added, “I am now letting go of all the times and all Brand Cialis the ways I have been in pain. I am freeing my body from all its memories of being invaded, injected, cut, cauterized, prodded, and bruised.” As she tapped the acupressure energy points she felt a release of anxiety and sighed. Her shoulders relaxed. It felt good. I suggested that she do a minute or two of tapping every few hours, talking lovingly to the body that has “taken a licking and keeps on ticking.”

Everyone has had many experiences with medical and dental visits that helped us while asking our body to tough it out. We usually try to forget the experience and let it fade in our memory, like women comparing their bravery in childbirth and how many hours of labor they went through. Let’s thank our bodies now by giving them an EFT treatment to release all its wounds.

You don’t have to be experiencing pain currently to do this successfully. Just make a list of some of the most unpleasant assaults your body has received and start by using the same statements my friend used. If you haven’t tried EFT you can find the instructions and a diagram of tapping points on my website. Once you get in the swing of it you can make up your own version based on your life experience. When you feel finished remind yourself that often in order to heal we must endure discomfort. Be thankful for the wonderful medical people who have helped you and thank your body for bearing the burdens bravely.

Author Bio: Gloria Arenson MFT, treats stress, anxiety, trauma, fears, and compulsions. She wrote Stop Playing the Weighting Game, Desserts Is Stressed Spelled Backwards, Born To Spend, Five Simple Steps to Emotional Healing, Freedom At Your Fingertips and EFT For Procrastination.

Category: Health/Wellness
Keywords: EFT, tapping, Gloria-Arenson, anxiety, pain, stress, relief, medical, procedures, memories, trauma, wellness,

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