Women’s Infertility: The Causes And How They Can Be Treated

First, let’s understand what is infertility?

Infertility in women refers to the inability of a woman to conceive and hence give birth to a baby.

The chances of a woman getting pregnant are only 30% during a particular menstrual cycle. Not only that but even when the conception occurs, only 50 – 60% of the pregnancies progress pass 20th week. This inability (in fecundity) can be because of abnormalities which can cause miscarriages.

The Causes of Infertility

There are a number of medical conditions that can contribute to infertility in women. These may be due to physical incapacity, physical defects or some kind of functional faults. These disorders hamper ovulation, damage the fallopian tubes or may cause some hormonal difficulties.

Infertility can result from bad health of the woman because of some ailment. The physical defects which result in infertility can be of the reproductive organs and the genitals can be present at the time of birth or it can also be accidental, which can further lead to deformity or slumped womb, rigidity of the hymen or disintegration of the fallopian tubes.

Certain psychosomatic factors like tension, emotional stress, anxiety, mental depression, and fear can also lead to what is called as psychosomatic infertility. But such conditions are mostly temporary and they can be corrected by using psychotherapy.

Here is a list of some of the medical conditions which can cause infertility in women:

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): The PID is one of the major reasons accounting for female fertility all over the world. The Pelvic inflammatory disease is caused due the infections which are caused by bacteria that can affect the female reproductive system.

These bacterial infections occur due to:

-Sexually transmitted diseases

-Tuberculosis of the pelvic region

-Abortions in a non-sterile environment

-Rupturing of the appendix


Endometriosis is an abnormal growth of the cells normally lining the uterus, to the other areas, thereby, causing irregular bleeding and pain. These cells are mostly non cancerous.

The cysts that arise may cause infertility in many ways, such as:

-They interfere with the release of the egg from the ovaries.

-They can block the passage of the eggs in the fallopian tubes.

Uterine Fibroids

Tumors in the uterus are very common in women, who are in their 30s. These tumors are called as Uterine Fibroids. These fibroids damage the lining of the uterus which may further result in change in the position of the cervix, or blockage of the fallopian tube or distortion of the uterus shape, thereby leading to infertility.

Early Menopause

This is a very rare but unexplained reason for infertility. In some women, menstruation stops quiet early than the normal age. It is only assumed that the regular supply of eggs gets depleted.

There are certain other problems that can also lead to infertility:

-Scarring of the uterus or abdomen
-Inborn abnormalities
-Drinking, smoking, alcohol and drugs

Treatment for infertility

One of the very important formulas to treat the infertility is a healthy life style with planned sexual activity and managed emotions and stress.

For Pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis an in-depth report on the causes and the diagnosis should be done. This should be followed by the treatment by a surgery, or drugs or may be both.

To repair the blockage of the fallopian tubes, surgery can be done.

Drugs like gonadotrophins and clomiphene can be given to induce ovulation.

Techniques like intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) or vitro fertilization (IVF) can be used.

Author Bio: Abortion Clinic Tampa. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women’s Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women. Orlando Legal Abortion Clinic, physical examinations, family planning and counseling. Abortion Clinic Ft. Lauderdale.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: infertility

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