Aromatherapy Soy Candles Vs. Paraffin Candles

Paraffin candles are the ones found most commonly in a household; they are also made with the by-products of petroleum, after everything else of value has been removed from the substance. The burning of paraffin candles releases a host of chemicals labeled as carcinogens by the EPA, and tends to release a large amount of soot as well. So, what’s a person to do who wants to freshen up their home with the scent of a candle? Aromatherapy soy candles are an excellent choice to replace your conventional candle with one that burns cleanly. These all natural candles are made with soy wax, which is refined from the soy bean, and infused with essential oils that provide the aromas so familiar to those who use candles often.

While paraffin is a pollutant in and of itself, aromatherapy soy candles are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. The vegetable wax used also burns at a lower temperature, which keeps your house from getting a little too warm and stuffy. A unique feature of soy wax is that, over time it looks frosted over or dry. This is not a defect within the product in any way. As the wax sits, the vegetable oils within the candle will start to crystallize. This crystallization is called the bloom, and is an easy way to reassure yourself that the candle you own actually is made of soy and is not an imitation. Paraffin lacks this effect, and even a soy mix candle does not have the full bloom in the way that a real aromatherapy soy candle does. The bloom does not effect the burn of the candle in away; it is more like an insurance policy that you got what you paid for.

One thing that should be noted, should you choose to invest in aromatherapy soy candles, is that the wax used has what is called a “dense memory.” What this means is that if the candle is not burned sufficiently with each use, then a pool will form that will prevent a candle from burning down past a certain point. The solution to this is to burn the candle for a certain length of time, one hour for every inch of diameter measured in a candle, each time you use it. This means you shouldn’t light a soy candle unless you are fairly certain you can burn it for at least an hour or more. But that is not so bad. You get to enjoy the aromatic oils just that much longer.

Basic maintenance of aromatherapy soy candles dictates that the wick should not be allowed to be longer than a quarter of an inch. If a wick is allowed to protrude further than this, it creates a fire hazard, as the flame of the candle will be that much larger. Use a pair of scissors to trim an unnecessarily large wicks.

Given the advantages of being cleaner burning, longer lasting, and more environmentally friendly, the choice to switch to an aromatherapy soy candle is an easy one.

Author Bio: Essential oil aromatherapy soy candles are becoming more popular with each passing year. To get the full story, please visit where you can find many candle products including soy, paraffin and palm wax candles for regular use and as well as use in aromatherapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: aromatherapy soy candles,essential oil candles,all natural candles

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