Vietnam is Not to Contain China’s Magic Mouse

Expand the current situation is not suitable for large-scale discussion of geopolitics. In 1951, I was preaching on the independence of Vietnam and had just been “the Voice of America” soon dismissed, not fashionable in my small studio, only tea, not crackers. My guest was a live by religious institutions, aid to the refugees from Vietnam. That afternoon, the future of South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem on me about the tangled relations between Vietnam and China. Wu said the force only in the third-party interference under the powerful China (South Vietnam) be possible to achieve independence.

He has been depressed in explaining why Americans overwhelming support the actions of the French in Vietnam are doomed to failure, he highlighted from the new threat of communism in China. In fact, a few weeks ago, I was convinced that France and the Viet Minh guerrillas triggered the deadlock between the Chinese people will certainly be involved. Wu said the approval of my inference. Only in a few years later, when the secret informant to Paris to pursue their business ambitions in China, revealed to the world, we know that Beijing in fact complete in 3 years after the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu play a key role.

As enshrined in the National Archives of: “Where are all the past Overture.” Vietnamese continue to make China a temporary victory. A recent example in 1979, after Hanoi invaded Cambodia, Beijing wanted to “Vietnamese a lesson.” China’s military action was fierce fighting back. But now in Beijing has been quite different. On the importation of goods and labor through the control of northern Vietnam industries, China is spending huge sums developing its military power. It also downstream along the Mekong River into the neighboring countries of Laos.

Tangle the relationship between Vietnam and China, not only in respect deeply influenced by Chinese culture. Even within the ruling Vietnamese Communist Party faction pro-Beijing and pro-Moscow forces also can be reflected. Vietnamese party newspaper editor or a result of a recent “anti-China” editorial dismissed.

In the recent ASEAN summit held in Hanoi with Vietnamese leaders held bilateral talks, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton launched a surprise attack on the Beijing publicly accused China claims sovereignty over the South China Sea. Beijing to hit back quickly to condemn the U.S. imperialist practices and adhere to China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to resolve the dispute through bilateral negotiations. This approach will benefit China, because there are outstanding among the ASEAN member disputes. In fact, the Philippines Foreign Minister, said the U.S. should not intervene immediately South China Sea affairs. To enhance the relationship between Washington and Hanoi, has just triumphantly U.S. warships to visit in Vietnam. But this failed to stop the Vietnamese officials pleading arms to Moscow. Is staged, a Vietnamese old trick, so powers deep quagmire of mutual checks and balances — it successfully during the Vietnam War, where from Beijing and Moscow to seize more assistance.

However, the Vietnamese tried to clone the Chinese model of economic development is not smooth sailing. Although Vietnam has a cheap labor force, but could do nothing at all levels of official corruption and bureaucratic system of scaring off investors. After a relatively short leaps and bounds, has been part of a global recession hit Hanoi, the economy shrinking again. This is through its currency in the 9 months, the third devaluation can be seen.

It seems most of the countries in Asia, whether correct or not, Obama rising power of China in the face is a step by step back. If Washington intends to change the image of such a withdrawal, with the communist country to form a more solid alliance in Vietnam (not fully trusted partner), may play a role. But the United States to establish comprehensive and efficient strategy for China, and can not make up for what it is still very bad.

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Category: World Affairs
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