The Brain and Subliminal Learning
There are quite a number of studies that show the brain being the main controlling organ in any human activity. The study further states that an individual tends to behave and act according to his mental health and state. It is very important for one to maintain good mental health if they are to lead a good healthy life. Research has it that one’s mental health is generally influenced by the happenings around the individual; one tends to pick behavior and act according to his set situation.
The main interesting thing about this fact is that behavior changes happen slow and can be very consistent if the individual does not change environment. What happens next is that one finds themselves living a lifestyle they may like or dislike or a mixture of both and most of the time they are not able to explain what happened to them. The most logical explanation to this entire scenario is that the brain learns and acts accordingly. Any effort to reverse lifestyle may be effected by certain therapies, chief among this being subliminal learning.
What is subliminal? This question may pass as valid to many people out there. However the answer may be too technical for many to understand this is because subliminal and subliminal technology definition goes deep and only individuals in psychology and other brain related studies can really tell how the subliminal works. Thus, I will try as much as possible to explain in layman terms. Subliminal or subliminal stimuli in this case are any stimuli of the senses which are conveyed below an individual’s total threshold for conscious awareness.
Subliminal stimuli can be performed in two ways namely visual and audio or rather sound. The visual subliminal are rapidly flashed before a person may process them or they can be flashed and masked interrupting mental processing. On the other hand, audio stimuli are played at almost inaudible volume and are mostly masked by other forms of stimuli. Most audio stimuli are recorder by backwards using a process named back masking. These stimuli are very crucial and can be used to attain certain prearranged messages; the purpose of these messages is to cause subliminal learning through the subconscious mind.
The subliminal learning can only be decoded and understood in the subconscious mind, the process by which this effect happens is through the entwining of wavelengths. For instance subliminal sounds do have certain wavelengths that harmonize with those in the subconscious mind.
The resulting effect from such an activity is communication. The subconscious mind learns and develops stimuli which are stored and often triggered when the individual faces relevant situation. For example an individual who’s been on an anti procrastination subliminal learning program, will often form a mental bias towards anti procrastination each and every time he faces decision to postpone event or activity.
There is quite a number of subliminal learning, it is paramount that an individual gets access to the specific therapy to treat or develop positive human behavior. Should you be interested in finding information about subliminal learning you can do it from the cyberspace. The internet has loads of subliminal information, all you need to do is a simple search on your web search site and you are ready to go.
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Category: Self Help
Keywords: subliminal learning, audio stimuli, subliminal stimuli, subliminal information