Fat Metabolism
Fat metabolism is a process of turning the fats you consume into fatty acids and glycerol. It is then broken down further so every system in your body can make use of the fatty acids. Fat is prescription cialis online necessary for your health. Too much fat causes serious health problems. Too little fat is also a problem. All muscles use fatty acids except the brain.
Fat is broken down after absorption into the stomach and stored as triglycerides for later use. Triglycerides consist of 70% of the body’ s energy re
serve. They are stored without the need of water. They give you high energy when broken down.
Fat is a source of fuel but carbohydrates are the quickest sources of fuel. Glucose fuels your body and mostly comes from carbohydrates. Your body stores unused carbohydrates as fats. When you are physically active such as when you exercise your body converts the fat into glucose. So your fat is reconverted into a carbohydrate ready to be used as a source of energy.
Fatty acids are particularly used up during periods of starvation. Every muscle tissue in your body with maybe the exception of your brain uses fatty acids.
Essential Fats: Essential fats can’t be produced by the body itself but must be generated through your diet. The essential fats are the alpha linoleic and alpha linolenic fatty acids.
Non Essential Fats: Your body naturally produces these fats on its own. You don’t need to supply your body with these fats through your diet. There are exceptions; there are situations when your body doesn’t adequately make these fats. These exceptions are during times of chronic illness, severe trauma and toxic poisoning.
Good Fats And Bad Fats
Some experts feel that some bad fats are necessary for your health, but some viagra reviews experts feel you should completely cut out bad fats. The good fats are the N3 or Omega 3 fatty acids. The bad fats Kamagra Gold are the N6 fatty acids. The Monounsaturated fats (N9) are either neutral or healthy. Processed foods, most fast foods and dressings are loaded with N6 fats. Experts recommend increasing N3 fats and decreasing N6 fats. They say the diet of fast foods and processed foods is out of control and increasing Omega 3’s without cutting down the N6 foods is not enough to avoid illnesses and chronic diseases.
Author Bio: Pick up your copy of the best selling e-book Maximize Your Metablism by visiting Fit-In-Exercise.com.
Category: Health/Wellness
Keywords: Fat Metabolism