Simple Steps to Successful Christian Fundraising

The church is one of the institutions that cannot function effectively without money. There are a lot of programs and activities to spend on aside from the wages of the pastor and the church staff. Oftentimes, the church income through offerings and donations are insufficient to go on outreach, missions and church building. The church needs to be creative and resourceful in this regard.

Fundraising is an option and can be an activity of the church that will be both beneficial and successful. Doing it appropriately and with clear intentions and instructions will surely reap great rewards. The following are five simple steps to Christian fundraising. When followed properly and put into practice, most churches would not be lacking financially.

The first step is prayer. There is always a need to acknowledge one’s helplessness apart from God. God has promised that He is the great provider and that all things belong and come from Him. Since all things are God’s, then He should be given top priority. Prayer should be done individually and corporately. Since corporate prayers cannot be held frequently, setting a prayer chain for individual members will be a good idea.

Second, focus on the task; give time to it by careful planning and consideration. Check the intention for the fundraising or for the project or activity that is being considered. Is the ultimate purpose to glorify God or to simply for the church or organization to look good? Beware of false motives as they tend to ruin the testimony of the church. The church must sincerely do things with integrity and grace.

After careful praying and planning, confidence will build up. Being confident that once a thing is within God’s will, God will surely generously provide. Building confidence within the group is a sure way to successful fundraising. Once the members are sure of the direction that the fundraising is going to, they will be more than able to get involved. The excitement begins and the activity comes into full action.

In addition, the church leaders as well as the members must be vision setters and not be merely fundraisers. Learn to be an educator; be a mobilizer, encouraging people to get involved. Much is accomplished when people are made aware of the project and are encouraged to join. When the vision is clear, there will be no doubts or questions about the verity of the beneficiary of proceeds.

Lastly, share the burden. Tell others about the plan and let them get actively involved. Sending letters to members, friends and other churches is a good way to start. However, do not be limited to church members or same denomination only. There are a host of other non-church goers who believe in such good causes and are more than willing to give.

The following are recommended fund raising events that the church or Christian organization can conduct: sell salvation bracelets; hold dinner/auction of baked goods; car wash: sell car wash coupons; organize dinners or dinner theaters and sell tickets; sell Christian books; hold giant garage/rummage sale; sell barbecue; organize and teach an Internet beginners\’ course; sell restaurant meal tickets; selling t-shirts; hold concerts; and a host of other worthwhile events.

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Category: Religion
Keywords: christian fundraising,successful christian fundraising,sell christian books

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